Chapter 12: The Price of Pushing Limits

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Author's POV

The night of the comeback performance arrived, a whirlwind of flashing lights, booming bass, and the electric energy of thousands of cheering fans. Backstage, a tense calm settled over the group. Melody watched Bangchan with a mixture of hope and trepidation. Despite their conversation in the studio, he still seemed pale and drawn, the dark circles under his eyes accentuated by the harsh stage makeup.

"You okay, Chan?" Changbin asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Bangchan offered a tired smile. "Yeah, I'm good," he rasped, his voice hoarse. "Just a little nervous."

Melody knew it was more than just nerves. He hadn't slept well the night before, his mind consumed by the pressure of the performance. He'd barely touched the healthy dinner they'd prepared for him, his appetite dulled by exhaustion.

As the opening act finished, the energy backstage crackled. The members took their positions, their practiced movements a well-oiled machine. The intro music swelled, sending a surge of adrenaline through the crowd.

Melody watched, her heart pounding in her chest, as the spotlight found Bangchan. He launched into the first verse, his voice strong and clear. But as the song progressed, a subtle change came over him. His movements became sluggish, his normally energetic stage presence dimming.

A cold dread filled Melody's stomach. This wasn't just nerves; something was wrong. Her fears were confirmed when, midway through the second verse, Bangchan stumbled. He swayed for a moment, his eyes fluttering closed, before collapsing onto the stage.

A collective gasp ripped through the audience. The music screeched to a halt, replaced by a stunned silence. Onstage, chaos erupted. The other members rushed to Bangchan's side, their faces etched with worry.

Melody's vision blurred with tears. Ignoring the security personnel trying to hold her back, she pushed her way towards the stage.

"Bangchan!" she cried, her voice choked with emotion.

Changbin looked up, his eyes filled with panic. "Call an ambulance! Now!" he yelled.

The backstage area descended into a frenzy. Medics swarmed the stage, their movements urgent and efficient. As they lifted Bangchan onto a stretcher, Melody caught a glimpse of his pale face, a grimace of pain etched upon it.

The hospital waiting room became a purgatory of tense silence and stolen glances. The other members, their faces drawn with worry, sat huddled together. Melody and Beth, their hands tightly clasped, paced restlessly, the sterile white walls doing little to soothe their frayed nerves.

Hours ticked by, each one an agonizing eternity. Finally, a doctor emerged from behind the closed door, his expression unreadable.

"Can we see him?" Changbin asked, his voice barely a whisper.

The doctor nodded, his gaze shifting towards Melody and Beth. "He's stable for now," he explained. "But he's severely sleep-deprived and malnourished. He pushed himself too hard, and his body finally gave out."

Shame washed over Melody. They had tried to warn him, but he hadn't listened. The guilt gnawed at her, a bitter aftertaste in her mouth.

"Can he perform again?" Beth asked, her voice trembling slightly.

The doctor sighed. "It depends on how well he recovers. But for now, rest is absolutely essential."

Disappointment settled over the group, but it was quickly overshadowed by relief. Bangchan was alive, that was all that mattered.

As they filed into Bangchan's room, the sight that greeted them was a stark contrast to the energetic leader they knew. He lay pale and still on the bed, an IV drip snaking into his arm. His chest rose and fell with a shallow rhythm, a testament to the toll his self-inflicted exhaustion had taken.

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