Chapter 14: Melodies of Love

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Author's POV

The air in the dorm buzzed with a newfound energy. Hyunjin and Beth were practically inseparable, their love story blooming like a rose under the summer sun. Stolen glances, playful banter, and lingering touches – their affection was an open secret that filled the dorm with a palpable sweetness.

One afternoon, Melody found them cuddled up on the couch, Hyunjin sketching in a notebook while Beth absentmindedly traced patterns on his arm. The scene was so domestic, so filled with quiet contentment, that it brought a smile to Melody's face.

"Working on a new masterpiece, are we?" she teased, nudging Hyunjin playfully.

Hyunjin looked up, a blush creeping up his neck. "Actually," he admitted, a shy smile gracing his lips, "it's inspired by my muse."

He glanced at Beth, who blushed a vibrant red, her eyes sparkling with affection. Melody's heart warmed; it was beautiful to see her friend so happy.

The afternoon unfolded in a comfortable haze of laughter, music, and shared stories. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting an orange glow across the room, Melody announced she was heading out for a quick grocery run.

"Do you guys need anything?" she asked, already reaching for her purse.

Beth shook her head. "We're good, thanks Mel," she replied, her gaze lingering on Hyunjin who was now completely absorbed in his drawing.

Melody turned to leave, then paused at the door. "Bangchan!" she called out. "You coming for dinner?"

A muffled groan came from his room. "Just a few more minutes, Mel," he grumbled.

Melody rolled her eyes playfully. "Don't make me come in there and drag you out myself, mister 'my lucky charm needs sleep,'" she teased.

A sheepish grin materialized in Bangchan's doorway. "Alright, alright," he conceded, raising his hands in surrender. "Just give me a sec to change."

Melody smiled, a warmth spreading through her chest. Despite his playful resistance, he always listened when she insisted on something.

At the grocery store, Melody wandered the aisles, picking up fresh ingredients for a healthy stir-fry. Her mind, however, was occupied with the blossoming relationships around her. Beth and Hyunjin, their love story unfolding with the grace of a love song. And her own connection with Bangchan, a complex melody yet to be played in its entirety.

As she rounded a corner, she bumped into someone, sending a cascade of oranges tumbling to the floor. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, bending down to gather the scattered fruit.

A deep chuckle rang out above her. "No worries," a familiar voice said.

Melody looked up to see Felix, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hey, Felix," she greeted, a smile gracing her lips.

"Just here for some snacks," he explained, picking up an orange and tossing it playfully in the air. "What about you?"

Melody told him about her dinner plans, a comfortable conversation filling the aisle. As they walked towards the checkout together, Felix leaned in conspiratorially.

"You know," he said in a hushed tone, "I wouldn't be surprised if your presence has a... positive influence on Bangchan, Mel."

Melody's heart skipped a beat. Felix's words mirrored the unspoken feelings swirling within her. But was Bangchan just being overprotective, or was there something more?

They reached the checkout, the weight of Felix's words hanging heavy in the air. As Melody stepped out of the store, the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, a beautiful melody of color reflecting the swirling emotions within her.

The aroma of sizzling vegetables greeted Melody as she entered the dorm. Bangchan, surprisingly efficient, stood by the stove stirring the stir-fry, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Just in time, my lucky charm," he announced, a playful smile on his lips. "Dinner's almost ready."

Melody felt a blush creep up her cheeks at the nickname. It had become a constant endearment, a playful reminder of their bond, yet a subtle barrier that kept their true feelings unspoken.

"Nice work, Chef Bangchan," she teased, setting down her grocery bags.

"Well, credit where credit's due," he replied, winking. "Without my lucky charm here to pick up healthy ingredients, we'd probably be living off pizza and ramen."

Melody chuckled, a comfortable silence settling between them as they finished setting the table. Hyunjin and Beth soon joined them, their love radiating like sunshine on a spring day.

Dinner was filled with laughter and lively conversation. Hyunjin, inspired by Beth, regaled them with stories of his childhood, his playful personality on full display. Beth, in turn, shared her dreams of becoming a fashion designer, her eyes sparkling with passion.

As the night deepened, a comfortable routine settled in. Melody and Bangchan cleared the table, their movements falling into a practiced rhythm they hadn't even realized had developed.

"You know," Bangchan began, leaning against the counter, "the place doesn't feel quite the same without you here."

Melody's heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs. "Without me?" she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper.

He met her gaze, his eyes holding a depth that sent shivers down her spine. "Yeah," he said softly. "Everything feels... quieter. Less colorful."

His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken meaning. Melody longed to bridge the gap between them, to confess the feelings that had blossomed in her heart. But the fear of rejection held her back.

Just then, Felix burst through the door, his usual boisterous energy tempered with a hint of seriousness.

"Guys," he announced, his voice breathless. "We have a last-minute interview opportunity tomorrow on a national music show!"

The news sent a jolt of excitement through the room. A national interview meant wider exposure, a chance to reach a new audience.

"That's amazing!" Beth exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

Hyunjin squeezed her hand, a silent promise of support passing between them.

Bangchan turned to Melody, a familiar glint of mischief in his eyes. "Looks like we have another challenge to conquer, my lucky charm," he said, extending his hand playfully.

Melody hesitated for a moment, then met his gaze head-on. A silent conversation passed between them, unspoken feelings dancing on the edge of their lips.

With a playful smile, she took his hand. "Ready when you are, Bangchan," she declared, a hint of defiance lacing her voice.

They joined the others, the excitement of the upcoming interview pushing their unspoken emotions aside for the moment. But as they sat together on the couch, stealing glances at each other under the soft glow of the lamp, the melody of their hearts continued to play, a song waiting to be sung.

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