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There was this throbbing pain in my head, the sensation inexplicable and excruciating, similar to wearing a crown that was forged a size too small around. The pain resonated through my skull, a relentless drumming that blurred the edges of my consciousness. When I managed to peel my eyes open, the sight that met me was of an urban jungle, a cityscape bathed in darkness.

I found myself lying in the mouth of a dark and highly dirty alley, surrounded by towering edifices that seemed to stretch endlessly, their peaks lost in the night sky. The city's atmosphere was thick with an eerie foreboding, the darkness punctuated by the erratic flicker of white and yellow neon lights.

These flashes of vibrant color that come from the many windows on the buildings added a surreal, unknown feeling to the scene. I had a feeling that this city is full of mystery and potential danger. Not only that, but also something to do with life and death.

Stumbling to my feet, I realized with a start that I was lying down. As the reality of the moment coalesced, I walked out of the alley's shadowy embrace and started down the seemingly endless street. A sensation of discomfort and confusion gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a silent whisper in a room full of echoes.

I couldn't remember who I was. Why can't I remember who I am?

The soft rustling sound of movement startled me, my head whipping around instinctively towards its source. Another dark alley is a repeating pattern in this dark labyrinth of a city. I walked past it, my arms instinctively wrapping around myself in a futile attempt to ward off the building cold.

I had realized that I wasn't wearing a jacket or a shirt with sleeves. I looked down and saw a ragged up white t-shirt and ripped jeans. I didn't have socks or shoes on. Making my feet cold.

Out of nowhere, the sensation of something thin and sharp pressed against the delicate skin of my neck. My breath hitched in terror, and my body froze, rigid with fear. "You're gonna empty out your pockets, got it little missy?" A gruff, intimidating voice echoed from behind, the threat palpable.

As I moved to comply, the sharp presence at my neck vanished abruptly. The man's voice echoed out in a surprised yell, indicating that he'd been punched. Almost immediately, a protective pair of arms wrapped around me. The hold was warm, comforting, a stark contrast to the harsh grip of the man. My eyes met the sight of a woman dressed in a sleek leather chad bodysuit, her identity concealed behind a cat mask. Her voice was soothing as she hushed me, whispering, "Shhh, you're safe now."

"Is little puddin okay, Catty?" I heard another voice, this one feminine and full of concern. I turned around and was met with the sight of a jester dressed in an eclectic mix of red, black, and white. Her eyes, a striking shade of pale blue, were on me. "Hey, little puddin," She addressed me, her voice laced with concern. "Did the Meanie hurt you?"

"N-no ma'am," I managed to stammer out, my voice emerging as a dry croak, sounding as though I had been stranded in a desert for months without a drop of water.

A radiant smile graced her face at my response. "Good, then we don't need to hurt him too bad." She called out then, her voice echoing in the chilly night air, "Ivy! She's good! Let's go!" A third woman appeared at her call, a mesmerizing figure with dark cherry red hair, her skin a captivating shade of green, her body adorned with a natural tapestry of leaves and flow

"Good, let's go," she echoed, and off we went, leaving the shadowed alley and its grim secrets behind.


The silence hung heavy in the air, leaving a palpable atmosphere. Four shadow figures watched from the shadows - their masks and colors forming a strange contrast with the dim light.

One of them spoke up, "Should we trust them with her?" The Silver Wolf asked, breaking the silence.

Red Sparrow stepped forward, eyes narrowed with suspicion. "We'll give them a chance. If they hurt her, we'll step in."

The others nodded silently in agreement. Something about this situation felt... off.p

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