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~Harley/Amaryllis POV~

Match and I stood side by side as we listened attentively to what Batman and a few other Justice League members were saying. More so, Match, since he is the one with superhearing. Mom had previously explained to us that Batman and Robin had approached her about helping to train the two of us, recognizing our potential to become heroes. We knew this already since we had been listening in on their earlier conversation from our hiding place. We also knew that alongside training us, they were also watching our behavior to make sure that we wouldn't be threats. For this meeting, we were dressed in our newly crafted hero suits, rather than the casual clothes we normally wore around Gotham.

I took in Match's outfit with appreciation for his more practical approach. His costume consisted of a plain white t-shirt made of a breathable, lightweight material. For pants, he wore a pair of light blue jeans that allowed freedom of movement. On his hands were a set of brown leather gloves for protection. A light gray fabric mask covered the lower half of his face, leaving his eyes exposed. The simple mask helped conceal his identity while not hindering his vision or senses. I knew Match preferred to keep his attire functional over flashy designs that might draw unnecessary attention or limit his abilities in the field. Form followed function for my brother. 

In contrast, my own suit embraced my more artistic and nature-inspired aesthetics while incorporating my favorite color. I wore a flowing dress made of a deep, rich purple fabric that fell to just below my knees. A layer of gossamer and delicate purple flower lace was layered over the dress, adding an ethereal touch. Ruffled trim made of satin in the same dark purple adorned the edges. My aunt Harley had crafted a unique mask for me from black metal plates. Glowing purple circuitry and accents were integrated into the design, lighting up portions of the mask along my cheeks and forehead. Completing my ensemble were a pair of stiletto heels wrapped with twisting stems and blooms of purple silk flowers that wound up my calves and around my ankles.

While Match favored simplicity and functionality over attention-grabbing designs, I liked to showcase my creative flair and nature motif. Yet for all our differing personalities and styles, we paired well together as crime-fighting siblings. As brother and sister in general. 

— As Batman went over the details of our introduction to the team and meeting our future teammates, I noticed Match's demeanor shifting subtly beside me. While his expression gave nothing away under his mask, I could tell he was feeling conflicted based on the small tells I knew to look for - the slight tension in his shoulders, the intermittent shifts in his stance, the way he straightened his posture then relaxed it again.

Match had been keeping his opinions carefully guarded in the days since we first learned of this opportunity. While he held a healthy respect for the skills and experience of many Justice League members, I also knew there were some whose methods or personalities may not align as closely with his own preferences. Ever pragmatic and analytical in his assessments, I had no doubt Match was now quietly weighing up each member we would soon encounter, considering how well he might work with them as part of a cohesive team.

A few names Batman mentioned in particular caused another barely-there shift in Match's stance that told me he had mixed feelings. It was subtle, but I knew my brother well. Under his calm, neutral exterior lay a keen and discerning mind, and I could sense the gears turning vigorously as he contemplated how each new acquaintance might factor into our shared mission. While eager for the training, Match was never one to rush into anything without careful deliberation. I waited patiently for his thoughts, confident he would share them with me in due time.

Take Wonder Woman and the Flash, for example. Both heroes have a reputation for their compassion towards others and willingness to help those in need without question. I just have a feeling that they would take Match and I in without much thought or resistance, but keep in mind that they don't know our full limits yet. Wonder Woman's empathy and The Flash's good-natured spirit would allow them to see us as people worthy of assistance, not just as potential threats.

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