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Katy's POV:

"I'm glad it's you, and not me. You're the only person I'd want as a roommate." Tate tells me as we walk back to our dorms. "I don't think it'll be that bad. But, Caleb said if it was, there's another place they could put her. She's really nice and easy to get along with though apparently." "Just don't forget about me." She says holding my hand now. "I could never forget my Tater Tot." I say reassuring her.

It's just been us the past few years. Well us, Liam Booker, and Lauren Cooper. Everyone else in our group left after high school to fulfill their music careers. All of them have made it big in the industry, especially Ariana. Tate and I stayed behind when we found we both wanted to become EMTs. Later we became Paramedics. Something happened out in the field one day, and when we brought a patient into the hospital, we were told be several nurses and doctors that need needed people like us as nurses. So now we are paramedics, and we're starting nursing school this term. I also have a secret music career thanks to Taylor and her creative ways. No one knows it's me though, except for my friends in the industry, Lauren, Liam, and Tate.

"Anyone home?" I yell as soon as we walk into my dorm. The note and $20 I left on the counter are still here. I hear someone moving around upstairs, but I have my back turned to the stairs. "Here goes nothing." I whisper to Tate. She smiles at me before smiling at the girl behind us. I see her smile become replaced with fear. "Shit." She says. "What?" I ask before turning around. I'm met with the face of the last person I ever thought I would see again.

"K-Katy?" Camila manages to choke before passing out. I run over and catch her before she hits the floor. "Tate, grab my bag please." I say carrying Camila over to the couch. Tate grabs my work bag before walking over to me and handing me it. I grab my stethoscope and start listening to her chest. Just to make sure she doesn't have a heart problem. Her heart has a nice, steady normal rhythm. I used to lay my head on her chest and listen to that noise so much. That seems like a life time ago.

I put my stethoscope back in my bag before getting up and heading to the fridge. I pull out a bottle of water and then grab a banana off the counter. It's a good thing I keep these around for when I get cramps in my calves. I walk back over to Camila before placing the items on my coffee table. I start searching through my bag again, trying to find a ammonia inhalant stick to wake Camila up.

"Are you gonna say anything?" Tate says. I stop digging in my bag and look up at her. "I have to make sure she's okay before I can say anything." I say. My hands finally stumble upon a stick. I pull it out and break it under Camila's nose. Her eyes shoot open as she begins to cough over the awful smell.

"Welcome back. You passed out." I say handing her the water and banana now. She looks down at them before looking back up at me. "Are you real?" I swallow hard over the crack in her voice. "Yes, I am." She shakes her head in disbelief. "I'm dreaming again. I have to be. My therapist said this would probably happen again." She says standing up from the couch and walking to the kitchen. Tate and I stare at her, unsure of what to do or say.

"You know what, it's okay. It's just because I'm overwhelmed. New school and being on my own for the first time. I'll just close my eyes and count to three, then you'll be gone like you always are." She says turning around and looking at us again. Her eyes are glossy, like she's about to cry. She closes her eyes and counts to three before opening them again.

"You're still here!" She says growing frustrated. "Honey, let's sit you back down before you pass out again. Have some water, okay?" Tate says walking over to Camila and wrapping an arm around her. She walks her over to the couch and opens the bottle of water. Camila takes it and drinks a few sips from it. "Good girl. Now I know this is going to be really shocking and confusing. But I need you to understand. You are not imaging things this time. Katy is actually here, and I'm sure she'll tell you all about how she's not actually dead. She just may need some time to do that and process you being here too, okay? I'm Tate, her best friend and your neighbor."

Angel In The Outfield (Camila/GxG)Where stories live. Discover now