Maybe We Can Be Friends

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Katy's POV:

I try to gather myself together and calm down the closer I get to Ariana's house. I need to seem somewhat normal when I get there so she doesn't get suspicious. I'm not sure how I'm gonna hide the scratches on my back though. They still sting like a bitch so it's going to be hard to hide. The sound of my phone ringing brings me out of my thoughts. I haven't checked this thing at all today. I look down and see the name T-Swizzle with a picture of me and Taylor lighting up the screen. I wonder if she knows about the breakup. I haven't had a chance to tell her yet, but that doesn't mean that Camila hasn't said anything since they're friends now.


"It took you long enough to answer! You usually pickup on the second or third ring. I was beginning to worry." I chuckle at her response.

"I'm driving right now so you're lucky I even answered. If Bluetooth wasn't a thing, your ass would've been ignored."

"You're so rude sometimes. I've trained you well."

"I'm not a damn dog, Taylor."

"I know, but you're basically my baby sister so I take credit for teaching you certain behaviors. Anyway, I was calling because I have a question."

"What's that?" Here it goes. She's gonna ask about Camila. I'm not sure if I'm ready to discuss it yet again. I'm getting really tired of talking about it. Come on, it's only been a day! Is this how all breakups go? If so, I'm starting to see why not everyone wants to date. It's not worth this hurt and pain.

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Camila?" She asks sounding a little hurt.

"Tay, please don't be mad. I haven't said anything yet because I've hardly used my phone for one thing. For another, I haven't had the mentality to fully discuss it yet. So many things keep happening. I haven't had a chance to even process everything that's happened yet. I promise I was going to tell you. I was just trying to find the right time."

"It's okay, Katy. I understand. I hate that this has happened to you guys. I really liked Camila. She was a good fit for you. I was already planning things for your guys' wedding." Taylor says making me laugh as I try my best to keep from crying again. I have to hold it back though. Again, I can't go into Ariana's crying.

"I think that was all just a fairytale. I mean you said it the best in your song White Horse. 'I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.' Being with her was just a temporary dream."

"Okay, ouch. When I wrote that song, I didn't plan on you relating to it. I always hoped and prayed that you would only be able to relate to my happy and in love songs. Not my sad and heartbroken ones."

"Heartbreak happens, Tay. Not everyone gets out alive from it."

"Trust me, I know that all too well."

"I know you do. After all, you have a song called All Too Well." I say making her laugh.

"I feel like I'm getting my songs used against me by my soulmate."

"Oh you totally are. Anyway, I need to go. I'm at Ariana's now. I stayed there last night and I'm gonna have to stay here for the next few days. The house is getting fumigated and dad is worried the chemicals will bother my blood pressure." I lie to my best friend since birth. I hate how easy my dad has made it for me to lie to people about him now.

"Gotta love that hypertension life. Have fun with Ariana. I'll talk to you later. Oh, and Katy?"

"Yeah, Tay?"

Angel In The Outfield (Camila/GxG)Where stories live. Discover now