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Ah, so she had finally decided to show up.

"Darling Iris," The first woman began, "so good to see you. Quite alive and well, I might add."

"Aphrodite." The second replied venomously, "I'm going to kill you."

The goddess spread her hands, "Any day now love. My plan is ready-is yours? You're a bit late."

"I'm not going to let you do this." Iris hissed, "I'm not going to let you do this to my brother. I won't let you use him as part of some old pissing match."

"Ah," Aphrodite raised eyebrow coyly, "you act as though you, or Phoenyx, has a choice."

"He does have a choice!" Iris snarled.

"Oh no, he doesn't." Aphrodite chuckled, "You don't seem to understand Iris. You may be his one true heart-but he'll never be yours."

"You aren't going to win this!"

"Oh, but I am." The goddess of love replied, "And do you know why?"

Iris glared at her.

"Because Phoenyx belongs to me."

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