14. A Photo

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Three days.

Three stinking days.

Kayla had worked non-stop on the report of the interrogation for three days. Not just the days either. She spent quite a bit of the nights working on it too. She had maybe around three hours of sleep in that entire time. Now, she was standing by the printer, waiting for the third copy of the report to print. She had one for herself, one for Price, and one for Laswell. She trusted that Laswell would share the report with Price, but she still wanted him to have his own copy in case he needed to look at it and couldn't call up Laswell to look at it. She had her own copy for obvious reasons.

Yesterday Rook had taken Jamie and Joesef to Canada. They never made it as the plane they were on went down in the ocean. Only Rook, the pilots, and the two soldiers with him had survived. The rest, who just so happened to be only Jamie and Joesef, perished in the stormy seas. No attempt to recover bodies would be made as the water was too rough and the bodies would be long gone by the time they were calm enough. 

Kayla caught herself nodding off while standing next to the printer and quickly caught herself. She shook her head a bit and look at how much was left. Half of it still had not printed. She let out a groan and rested her head in her hands. She closed her eyes for what she swore was only a second and the next thing she knew, someone was kneeling next to her on the ground. 

She rubbed her head, not understanding what was going on. She moved to sit up and felt a hand placed on her back to aid her in the task. Their hand stayed on her back and if they were saying anything, Kayla truly couldn't hear them. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes before looking up to see a masked face staring into hers. Suddenly, she could hear again.

"What are you doing?" She asked him and tried to stand up. Her legs didn't want the same thing as her mind apparently.

"Don't move, I think you hit your head when you fell." Ghost told her, studying her eyes. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned the flashlight on.

"Hey!" She moved her hand to block her face when he shined it in her eyes.

"Put your arms down, I'm checking to see if you have a concussion." Ghost's hand left her back to pull down her arms.

She let him check her eyes for few seconds. He then shook his head and turned the flashlight off, sticking his phone back into his pocket. Kayla rubbed her eyes and tried to stand again. This time she got to her knees before almost crashing to the floor again. Ghost caught her though and leaned her against the wall. He sat on her left  and positioned her so if she fell, she'd fall onto him and not the floor.

"What did you do?" He asked her, looking her over with his eyes.

"I was printing the report, closed my eyes for a second, and the next thing I know I'm looking at a skull." She answered, rubbing the back of her head.

"Stop that." He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her head. He then felt it himself. "I don't feel a bump so either you didn't hit it that hard or you haven't been down for long." Kayla let out a yawn and her eyes started to drift closed. "Hey!" He snapped his fingers in her face.

"I'm up, I'm up!" She groaned.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Last night."

"How long?"

She didn't answer.

"How long?"

"Well, I had to write the report and wanted to ge-"

The Woman of the North [Simon "Ghost" Riley X OC]Where stories live. Discover now