Evan's time with Mono

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Evan decided to go into the Dreamworld to see what Eren and his dad were doing, and the search for his mom, Maria

In the Dreamworld

Evan opened his eyes and saw Eren watching TV, but his dad was no where to be seen there, Evan poked Eren's head

Evan: hey wake up

Eren: hyuh?.. *yawn* what?

Evan: i think you should be on the wheel today Eren

Eren: *yawn* why?

Evan: well i wanna look for mom too, and i think it's a good idea to let you out sometimes

Eren: *yawn* nah

James: oh come on sport!, it's a good idea for ya to see some sunshine!

Eren: hmmmmmm, meh okay

Evan: great!, out you go!

Back in the real world

Eren was now on the wheel of the body, and he stands up from bed and scratches his head and yawns, he stretches his body and pooing his joints to make them more freely movable

Then he went to the bathroom and did his business, while he was on the toilet his phone got a notification, it was from Mono and texted

Evan: yo

Mono: morning Evan

Evan: mornin' so what's up?

Mono: wanna hang go this competition at the markets?

Evan: sure be there in an hour

Mono: alright bye

Evan: bye

Eren turns off his phone and flushes and washes his hands before going to the kitchen, Bandit was making Bluey and Bingo's lunches while the kids eat their toast

Bandit and the girls them said goodbye to Eren as they drove out the Cul-de-sac, Eren then went back inside and took a bath, next he puts on his clothes and locked the house before he left

He saw Wendy and Judo doing their workout routine and he waves at them, Wenfy and Judo waved back at Eren and continued their workout, Evan went down the hill and got on the bus to the markets

Some time later Eren gets off the bus and went to the markets, Evan saw Pat and Lucky, and Honey with his dad, Eren waved at them and continued walking and something caught his nose

He sniffed the smell and it was coming from a booth and Pretzel was there with his mom, they were selling steak cubes and this made Eren hungry, he bought 25 steak cubes for 17$ bucks

He then bought a smoothie from Juniper's mom at her stand, it was a apple, mango, Banana, orange, watermelon, mix

He then saw Mono at his own booth and he waved to get his attention, he noticed Eren and waved back, Evan went to him and saw that Mono was selling his ingredients there

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