⋆ ୨୧˚ preparations

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Despite debuting with the concept of having unlimited members, he never would've expected such young kids to join his group. Of course, Taeyong was aware of their talents and already met them at the survival show, but it still amazed him. He is glad that the youngest of the group will debut at an older age than when Jisung debuted, even though it's just a 2 year difference.

The final lineup has already been revealed, they released a pre-debut single and they've even had a pre-debut tour. They're also filming a variety show, so they're quite busy. Same goes for his own unit. They're busy with preparing for promotions and award shows. 

Which is why Taeyong hasn't been able to visit the newest addition to his group. Sure, he has seen them occasionally at the company, but they would be working hard for their upcoming debut and he would feel guilty to suddenly interrupt them.

Which is why he asked his manager to ask the new unit's manager for their schedules. Although it took quite some convincing, his final statement was that he deserves to know as he is their leader as well. After 127 practice ended, he stayed behind a practice a bit more as usual. 

Just a few minutes later, he received a mail from his manager. He opened it to see what it was and realised that it was the exact thing he wanted. He decided to go home early and practice another time, so he could see the full pdf that he received on his computer.

Once he got back home, he immediately went in his room, leaving a puzzled Doyoung in the living room. He started his pc up and opened the mail, clicking on the file that was added. It was a pdf of the current schedules of the new unit. He wasn't surprised at how packed it was, it brought him back to when he was working hard in order to debut and even harder when for his debut.

"Woah, who's schedules is that?"

A smooth, honey voice suddenly spoke behind him. He jumped slightly in surprise and turned around despite already knowing who it was from the voice. "Haechan-ah, what did I tell you about sneaking up on people? And what are you even doing here?"

Donghyuck pouted at him, "You came home earlier than expected and went in your room without any explanation. I just wanted to check up on you." He said playfully, but his voice was laced with worry.

Taeyong softened at the younger and pinched his cheek, making Donghyuck giggle. "I'm fine, don't worry. I had to check something on my pc so I hurried back home. And to answer your question, this is the schedule of the newest unit." He answered.

He slid his rolling chair back and patted his lap, motioning the youngest to sit, which he gladly did. But Taeyong immediately regretted it. "Gosh, sometimes I forget you're not as small and light as the child you were when we debuted." He groaned as he wrapped an arm around Donghyuck's waist to keep him in place.

"Hyung, that was more than 7 years ago. Are you keeping up with the time, or are you already getting too old?" The younger teased and leaned into his touch. Taeyong rolled his eyes, but a small smile appeared on his face. "Very funny, Hyuck. Have you even realised you're older than 10 other Nct members now?" Donghyuck's eyes immediately widened as he sat up and stared the older right into his eyes.

"I haven't even thought about that." He sighed, "Oh, the times when I was the youngest of our group. It only lasted a month before the Dreamies debuted, but it still existed." He said dramatically and fell back on Taeyong's chest.

The older chuckled and patted his head. "Don't worry, you're still our forever maknae of 127." He focused back on the screen and opened the files with the schedules of all the other units as well. He minimised the pdf's so all four files could fit on the screen. Donghyuck was following every move and finally decided to comment on it.

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