⋆ ୨୧˚the party

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"Lele, I'm here!"

Time passed quickly and before you know it, the day where they would hold the full-group meeting and welcoming's party has come. Chenle stayed up until late the day before to make sure the place was well decorated enough for the 25 people that were about to enter his humble abode. Although, he is a perfectionist, so it took a bit too long to get everything ready.

Which is why he was still deep in his slumber, the alarms he had set long forgotten. Luckily, there was one other person who was not his one of his family members that has a key to the mansion. And that person is none other than Park Jisung, the person who he trusts the most.

"Lele?" Jisung called out once again after entering the place and taking off his shoes and jacket. He placed his bag on the couch he passed in the living room and got to the kitchen. He got out a stainless-steel pot, he carefully placed in three eggs and filled it slightly with water before placing it on the stove, turning the stove on.

He put his phone timer on eight minutes before leaving the kitchen, on his way to the house owner's bedroom. Once he arrived in front of said room, he quietly opened the door only to find him curled up in his bed, peacefully sleeping.

Jisung couldn't stop the smile forming on his face and tiptoed in the room, gently closing the door behind him. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in to caress the older boy's hair. By gently shaking him he tried to wake him up. 

"Lele, wake up." He spoke softly, not trying to startle the sleeping male. Chenle shifted around in his sleep, but his eyes stayed closed.

The younger tried shaking him again, this time succeeding. Chenle woke up from his slumber but was quite unhappy about that. "Sungieee... I had a very nice dreammm..." He mumbled. Jisung smiled softly and rested his head on Chenle's chest while running his hand through the latter's hair. "Sorry, what did you dream about?"

"We were having a little picnic date in the park and then you surprised me with a bunch of my favourite flowers and a golden necklace!" Chenle was now wide awake as he talked about his dream, but Jisung chuckled as he heard his story. The older started pouting. "What are you laughing for?" He whined.

The younger lifted himself up and scrunched his nose. "Stop pouting or I'll kiss your pout away." He pinched the older's cheeks. 

"Also, you mean you were dreaming about last week. That happened last weekend, remember? In fact, you're wearing the necklace right now." Chenle's face was beet red as he looked away and brought his hand up to feel the necklace that was indeed around his neck.

Now he finally remembers, how Jisung took him to a surprise date and even had the whole place closed down just so there wouldn't be any fans, sasaengs or paparazzi interrupting them, or worse, dispatch. It was one of the most thoughtful and romantic things someone could ever do, and if he shed tears of happiness and gratefulness, that was only between the two of them.

"Now that you're awake, go get ready. The food team are coming in fifteen minutes with the snacks, drinks team is on the way, dinner team is coming in about half an hour and the cake team... yeah, you know their plan." 

He groaned as he remembered what Jaemin told him their idea was. "I'll make you an egg sandwich for breakfast. Brush your teeth and take a shower."

"Shower with me~" Chenle said with his morning voice and smirked upon seeing Jisung choke on his saliva and turn red. He quickly ran to the door and opened the door as he mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for the older to hear. "He's crazy. So crazy. Crazy as he-" And his voice muffled as the door closed.

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