⋆ ୨୧˚bonding time

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has already spoken with some members in the group during his trainee days, but even so, the age gap made it hard to get close with them. Fortunately, he had one of his own unit's members in his team for the preparations of the party. It was one of the babies, so he knows he won't cause any trouble like the older members would.

"Hey hyung, do you know where the cream soda's are?" A soft voice asked next to him. 

The drinks team were in the local convenience store, the owner knows that they're idols and therefore closed the store down for an hour, giving them time to pick out the drinks in peace, which they're extremely thankful for. Sion was looking at some soft drinks when Ryo, one of his team's maknaes, came up to him.

He pointed towards the fridges all the way in the back. "I think I saw a few somewhere there." He said. Ryo nodded and smiled before skipping towards that place. He looked back at the aisle in front of him and grabbed a few cans. Suddenly he felt another person's presence and turned to his left, only to be met with the one and only Lee Taeyong.

The older smiled at him. "You're the same age as Jisungie right? Have you already had your first drink?" He asked. Sion blinked, trying to process that someone he respects a lot is talking casually to him. 

He quickly replied, not trying to seem rude. "Yeah, but it was a only small amount of soju. The members in my unit are all underaged except for Riku and I, so I don't want to drink in front of them."

Somehow his answer made Taeyong chuckle and pat his back. "That's sweet. Yuta, Jungwoo and Sicheng are currently getting lots of alcoholic beverages for the party, so I hope you won't mind everyone drinking." 

Sion shook his head. "As long as Yushi, Daeyoung, Ryo and Sakuya won't get in touch with any of those drinks, it'll be fine."

"Hyung, hyung, look! I found this strawberry cream soda for Saku and a grape cream soda for me- oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?"

The two of them turned to look at the youngest of their team standing with a basket containing a few cans of cream soda. "No, don't worry. Seems like you found what you wanted." Sion smiled softly. The younger nodded excitedly and started to skip away again. "I'm going to search for some ramune!"

"He reminds me of Renjunie. Looks and behaviour and all." Taeyong suddenly said, making Sion look at him again. He does certainly see the resemblance between the two, it's undeniable. He hummed in agreement. "I don't really know Renjun-hyung's personality, but they do look quite similar."

The older nodded then took another look at the one next to him. "You know, you look similar to Jaehyun." Sion chuckled, that is certainly not the first time someone said that and most definitely not the last. "Yeah, I've been told many times." He replied.

The two of them laughed together, they started talking about other topic and they walked through he convenience store, possibly searching for more drinks. Besides, there are 26 people at that party, and there is no doubt that most will drink more than one glass or bottle. 

They encountered Yuta and Ryo talking in Japanese in one of the aisles and decided to let them have their moment, so they went to another one.

"How are your members treating you? The other leaders in nct aren't exactly treated like a respected leader, which I completely understand when you have them in your unit, but I'm not exactly familiar with your unit members."

It was true, the amount of times Mark or Kun complained or begged for help(jokingly) in the nct leaders group chat is countless. Taeyong is always treated with respect and barely teased, although all that teasing goes to Doyoung instead of him. 

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