Chapter one

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"Ughhh fuck"


"Ohhhhh mycodyeiknow shut uppp"

Your hand fumbled over to your phone and turned off your alarm. A glance at the screen read 8:31. Usually too early, but not today, so you hauled yourself into a slouch and lumbered out your bed.

"Fuck whoseee" *yawn* "idea was thisssss?" You murmured, but really you knew the answer - yours! You'd moved here yesterday in the pursuit of a fresh new life for yourself and here you were, groggy and hungry and really needing a piss, so you shronked across the corridoor (hallway for the Americans) and into the bathroom.

This was your apartement and you were gonna piss as loud as you want.


Yuo washed your hands and splashed some water over your face to try and wake up more, with little effect.
Back to your room to pick an outfit - you were going out and about today, so something stylish but also comfy and practical would fit the bill, so basically anything would do. Some baggy fuckass cargos would do great and, seeing the clear skies out your window, you picked out a cropped t-shirt that showed off your slight abs and belly button piercing.

One studded belt later and you padded downstairs as if you didn't look like a man whore, made a bowl of cereal and ate it like Tao Blu.
You left your apartement and began to walk down to the plaza, since that's where everyone seemed to hang, or at least that's what you've read. There were lots of cramped alleyways and muddled shops, mostly food joints like "bento burrito" and "splatsville sushi". Your mind began to wander - who the fuck decided to name this place Splatsville seriously its so on the nose they had the splatlands and that made sense because its a pun and personally you thought they should have called this place Sloshington DC or-

You'd accidentally clotheslined some poor woman while you were lost in thought.
"Oh my cod fuck I'm so sorry are you ok??" you apologised
"Nah my name's Shiver" said Shiver "is that ok guy your client or sum?"
No fucking way. I know I'm dressed like one but this girl did NOT just call me a hooker.
"Are you fucking nuts? Look-"
"No I'm Shiver, the Cold-blooded Bandit, you know, from Deep Cut" Shiver joked, a little exasperated
This fucking guy oh my cod
"Hi Shiver are you hurt?"
"I'm fine, thanks"
"Really? I thought your name-" We are NOT doing this "What are you doing here? The plaza is that way."
"Yeah and I'm headed this way"
I'm getting nowhere like this, lets try something else
"Don't you have like, work or something?? I SWEAR you do the news for this place"
"As a matter of fact, I don't, but seem like you're heading to a client, so run along cus I'm not hiring" came her response, flipping back to the slut allegations
"Listen, just becau-"
"Shhhhh I'm not judging I support your work"
"I am NOT a hooker!!"
The street fell silent, you might've said that a little too loud, given most turflings are still asleep at 9 in the morning.
"Then why are you dressed like that?" She pressed
"Why are YOU dressed like that?"
Thank COD we've cleared that up. Lets get back on track
"How come you're free today, then?" You continued, hopefully this time you'd get a straight answer
"Deep Cut's on hiatus right now, so our producer is just playing old recordings to announce the stages, shell, I'm running out of ways to keep busy, so I thought I'd take a walk and cook up an idea or two." She explained
"I'm new round here, so how about you escort an escort around town?"
She chuckled softly, "Sure"

Holy carp that actually worked lets fucking gooooooooo!!!!
You walked back the way you came, so all that was new was the Idol walking next to you. Their clothes were a bit dusty from when you'd floored them and was there always a rip so far up the back of their leggings? You decided not to ask, but weren't oggling or anything because you knew how icky that felt.
A couple times your eyes wondered up their slim midriff, over their cropped hoodie to their face. The makeup had been slapped on today; the red eyeshadow was messy and not properly blended, so it looked like they'd been crying and their eyeliner was a bit smudged, too. Their sheer red eyes would never meet yours though - they were always looking at your exposed navel. It was no surprise - you don't see many men with belly button piercings, even less who have it on show.
You introduced yourself to them and them to you - Shiver Hohojiro, they/she. They wouldn't budge on why Deep Cut was on hiatus so you stopped asking, but apparently they'd been collabing with their producer before the break. She seemed quite interested in where you'd moved in from - they'd never heard of Minnow Springs before, but picked up a general idea when you told them it was near Calamari County. They'd said you dress "very fresh for a country boy, even a gay one."
I'm not THAT gay, but thanks?
You just laughed and carried on talking.
"Ok Jesse, first stop - Shella fresh!"
A big, colourful storefront stuck out like a sore tentacle between the apartment blocks. The walls were plastered in posters of octolings in all sorts of outfits - crazy ones with huge jackets and tiny shoes, awful clothing ideas that looked like the designer followed the rule of ones and inbetween them, some pretty raw fashion.
"You should probably get new leggings after earlier" you tell them
"Nah it adds character-" she assured, patting down her legs

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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Shiver X Male Reader if it was good and the reader is called JesseWhere stories live. Discover now