Chapter 1

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My name is Kristi. And my life.



And do you know why?

Because I'm a flippin' superhero! Me and six of my friends. 

OK, it's more like two friends, a guy who likes me, and three guys I can't really figure out. And my principal. Although he'll only be my principal until the end of this school year. 

That stuff's not important. I'M A FLIPPIN' SUPERHERO!

Earth date: 03/16/2012, 18:11

"There's the birthday girl!" I said as Daphne came up our driveway.

"Hi, Kristi," Daphne said. 

"Hop in!" I motioned to the open door of Dad's minivan. She climbed in and plopped down into a seat.

"Daphne, you know Kate and Val?"

She smiled. "Now I do."

"Great! We're waiting on Margaret."

"No, you're not," Margaret said as she climbed into the car and squeezed between Kate and Val. "Happy birthday, Daphne."

"Thanks, Margaret."

"Daphne, are you Team Jacob or Team Edward?" Valeria asked.

"Oh! I, um, haven't seen the movies. Or read the books."

"Do you like Harry Potter? You are such a Ravenclaw!" Kate said. 

Daphne twisted her hair around her finger.

"Daphne, do you know your sign?" Val asked.

"No, I don't really believe in astrology. But you can tell me if you want to."

"March 6th makes you a Pisces. It's a water sign ruled by Neptune. You're compassionate and artistic and you blend in well with your surroundings. You're most compatible with Cancers, Scorpios and Capricorns."

"Don't worry about it, Daphne. I don't understand it either," Dad said. He turned into the parking lot of the movie theater. "I hear them out and nod when it sounds like I'm supposed to."

"Very Libra of you," Val said.

Me, Dad, Daphne, Val, Margaret and Kate got out of the car and headed for the movie theater. "If you don't mind me asking, Daphne, why Sherlock Holmes?" Dad asked.

"I like the stories," she said.

I'd watched the first Sherlock Holmes when Daphne said she wanted to see the sequel for her birthday. It was great!

Iron Man as Sherlock Holmes!

Regina George as his girlfriend!

A dude catching on fire from shooting a gun!

This movie was going to be great!

Dad bought the tickets and the popcorn. I bought Skittles. We headed for the theater. 

The six of us were some of the first people in our theater. We weren't the first; back behind us, I could hear someone coughing. Once we sat down, we watched a couple of car commercials and some movie trivia show, and then Val picked the astrology talk back up. "Kate, your birthday's in May, isn't it?"

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