✨Chapter 1: And you are?✨

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              It was raining only a little. Yet, I was still drenched because of having to walk to the building. Iv'e been out of a job for awhile now but I had some experience being a camerawoman. Though I haven't worked for YouTubers before and as I was slowly approaching the building, I began to get a little more nervous.

              I approached the glass door and wiped my feet on the floor mat below, and proceeded to knock on the door. After only a couple seconds of waiting, I see through the glass Juicy and Josh come from behind a wall and open the door. Josh had already took his seat and juicy was letting me in. I took a step inside and took off my coat, draping it over my arm. 

              "Hello! Welcome, and just take a seat over there for me please." Juicy said as I walked over and sat in the seat he pointed to, just across the table from Josh.

               "I see from your email, you're a bit experienced with working with cameras and such." Josh said abruptly, but I was quick to answer. "Uh yes, I have worked to help make games, a little bit of movies and so on."

                "Okay, are you good with working with a big group of people." Josh replied back with a stern look on his face, he seemed a bit mad. As I was about to answer, Juicy turned to josh and whispered to him, Josh then proceeded to nod his head and get up and leave the room. I looked back at Juicy as he scoot his chair to side a bit and leaned on the table.

                "Ha, sorry he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today! Anyway, like Josh asked, are you good with working with a big group of people?" Juicy said. "Yeah! I use to work with tons of people especially in a small room haha, ugh why did that sound so creepy! Im so dumb. So it's not much of a problem for me.

                 "Alright, what makes you wanna work here?" Juicy asked looking at a piece of paper in his hands and back up at me. "Well, I've watched the boys before and it seems like fun to work here!" I replied quickly, still nervous. 

                  He proceeded to ask me more questions, work related and all obviously, until about 20 minutes later. As I stood up and said my thank you and goodbyes, I caught a glance of him looking me up and down. Right before I opened the glass door to leave he stopped me.

                  "Wait. Sorry, just one last question," He said as he stood up and spoke quickly, "And Im sorry if this is a little too personal, but you don't have to answer it if you don't want too. Uh- are you- are you single?" I just looked at him awestruck. Wait, why would he ask me that? He has a girlfriend. "Uh, no you're fine. But yes I am single." I replied with a confused tone in my voice. "Okay. Uhm- im sorry if that was weird, uh you have a good day and we'll get back to you as soon as we can about the job." Juicy said quickly as he left the room. 

                   I opened the glass door as I looked behind me where Juicy once was and I left. I was so confused why he would ask me that. I walked down the street, approaching my home. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. I really wanted that job, not only for the money but also because I have been watching The Boys for years and I've always wanted to meet them. I approached my home and unlocked the door. As I went inside, I couldn't get it out of my mind on why Juicy would ask me that. But I went to bed and waited for tomorrow.


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