✨Chapter three: Nice to meet you! ✨

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Two days later, I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for my first day at work. I was so happy, I just picked my outfit for it last night. It was a comfy, casual outfit.

I got dressed, brushed my teeth, hair, Yada yada. At 7:30 I was ready to leave, so I snatched my phone, my wallet and an umbrella. Just in case.

I left the house and started walking. Since it wasn't far I didn't want to waste any gas. On the way there I was getting more and more nervous to meet everyone. What if they don't like me? I took a couple of deep breathed as I approached the building I have seen once before. I knocked on the glass and waited a few minutes before a lady, that I feel like I've seen before answered. "Y/N?" She asked, and I nodded. She let me in and introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Alana! You're just gonna follow me through here and we'll get you all set up for your first day!" Alana said motioning for me to follow her. That's why I recognized her! Alana! Of course. I loved Alana she was sweet. I thought to myself as I followed her into a hallway that led into a huge room.

There were chairs and cameras being set up, along with big lights. I looked around trying to take in my surroundings. "Alright, so right now we're just setting up some equipment for the video we're gonna do in about half an hour. Now, you have only met Josh and gaege? Yes?" Alana spoke up. "Uh yes." I replied turning to her. "Okay so I'm gonna take you to meet the rest of the boys and then we can get to work!" She said holding a clipboard as she started walking towards a door. "Okay, sounds great." I replied as I followed her.

She opened the door, and there was a table with four of the boys talking to each other. Omg, I can't believe it. I thought to myself as I walked inside and Alana spoke up. "Okay guys, this is one of our new camerawomen." Narrator smiled and nodded at me, extending his hand. I leaned and shook it and said a quick hello. Mully smiled nodded as well. "Nice seeing ya again." Josh said as he extended his hand as well. I shook it and smiled. I turned and saw Eddie, I extended my hand to him and he quickly shook it. "Hey! Welcome to the boys!" Eddie said as he smiled. I smiled back, "thanks I'm greatful to be here!" I noticed Juicy wasn't there but I had already met him so it didn't matter much.

"Okay, so let's go back to the recording area and get set up!" Alana said as she was walking out the door. I quickly followed. "Uh sorry but I need to use the restroom real quick, is their bathrooms around?" I asked. "Oh yes of course! It's down the hall there and take a left. I'll be over here waiting." Alana replied as she pointed to a hallway. "Okay thank you." I said as I left to the hallway. As I got to the corner, I turned left like Alana told me to, and I ran right into juicy. He stumbled back a bit and I dropped my things, I quickly bent down and started picking them back up. "Omg I'm so sorry, I was just-" I tried apologizing but he cut me off as he started helping me grab my stuff. "It's good, we all do that haha." He said as he stood back up and handed me my papers and such. I stood up and took them, I smiled at him before going to the restroom. Oof, I'm such an idiot! I said to myself as I opened the restroom door.

Gaege's POV:

Oh god, why am I like this?! When she ran into me, I blushed so hard. I hope she didn't notice...  I thought to myself before walking back into the room with the boys. "Hey juicy." Josh said as I walked in. "Yeah, what is it." I said as I sat down. "You good man? You seem all red and flustered." Mully said grinning. I looked over at him. "Yeah man, can we just get to work." I replied as I leaned on the table. We started to talk about the video we were going to make. All I could think about was Y/N. What is wrong with me?


-SFJ1     (781 words)

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