00: auditions

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Luke stands in the long line of desperate actors, tapping his foot impatiently. Although he loved acting, he couldn't believe his manager actually signed him up to audition for a Disney show. A show where he couldn't curse, or even have sex with his attractive female co-star. But a part is a part. He might not even get that part.

Oh, who is he kidding? Of course he's getting the part. He recently just became the #1 actor in the U.S. Luke could always turn down the job if he gets it, although his manager Christine would murder him.

"Next!" the woman holding the auditions calls from the other room.

Luke realized he was next, so he took a deep breath and walked to the room. It wasn't like he was nervous or anything; he just didn't expect to audition so quickly.

The woman sat in front of him as he stood in front of a green screen. She had dark brown hair and a vicious aura.

"I'm Laura Banker, director of the new Disney series 'Dr. Fluke,'" she introduces without looking up from the copy of the script she held in her hands. "Name?"

Luke chuckles. "Luke Hemmings."

Ms. Banker gasps and looks up, eyes widening as she realized that an actual successful and familiar celebrity is in her presence... and auditioning for her show.

"Mr. Hemmings... it's a pleasure to have you here," she smiled brightly.

"It's a pleasure to be here," he replies curtly.

"Uh... alright then, let's get on with the audition," she says, trying to get away from her inner fangirl. "Read from scene one."

Luke cleared his throat, getting into character. "I skipped school today, Sydney. So what?"

"But Luke..." Laura reads as Sydney, since the auditions for that character would be held tomorrow. "Why did you skip?"

It was a coincidence that the main character's name was Luke, but the blonde boy shrugged it off as he acted carelessly, "School is boring. Why do you care, anyway?"

"I'm your best friend, you know that Luke. There has to be something going on."

"There isn't anything going on. Gosh, would you stop getting on my case, Sydney? It's annoying," Luke huffs, secretly happy about how awesome he's nailing this audition.

"Well if I'm just annoying, I'll leave!" Laura pretends to be upset as she reads. "But just remember - we're best friends. And best friends don't keep secrets from each other."

In the scene, Sydney exits as Luke talks to himself, "She can't know my secret, it will hurt her. She can't know that I sometimes skip school for a few days where crimes are taking place... God, I know it's horrible to say but I wished all crimes just took place at night!"

"Bravo!" Laura claps her hands at the end of the audition in excitement. "You got the part, Mr. Hemmings!"

Luke's eyes widened. "Really? Wow... thank you."


Luke was called back the next day to audition for the character of Sydney. There were so many pretty girls who would look perfect to play Sydney, but couldn't act for their life.

A girl with long light brown hair and bright green eyes walks in, a smile on her face but Luke could tell she was nervous.

"What's your name, love?" Luke asked sweetly.

She blushed. "I'm Amanda Dodger, and I'll be auditioning for the part of Sydney."

"Okay, let's start with the last scene," Luke says, taking a deep breath before getting into his actor mode. "Hey, Sydney..."

"Luke, you're a superhero?!" Amanda exclaims, and Luke is impressed at her acting skills. "You're... Dr. Fluke?"

"Yeah..." Luke sighs.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Amanda holds hurt in her tone. "I thought I was your best friend..."

"You are! That's exactly why I couldn't tell you," Luke said. "I didn't want to endanger you. I thought you were gonna get hurt, but apparently I was wrong seeing how you punched that criminal out."

Amanda laughs lightly. "Yeah, I guess I'd make a great sidekick, huh?"

"You would..." Luke's eyes widened. "Hey! Why don't you be my sidekick? I really do need one..."

"I don't know, Luke. What about school?"

"Being a superhero is way more important than school, Sydney. Besides, most criminals do their crimes during the night."

"Well then... okay! I'll be your sidekick! I'll call myself... Miss Brainiac. And before you judge me, Luke, just remember what you're superhero name is... isn't too clever either."

They both laughed and the scene ended. Luke clapped his hands and whispers to Laura, "She's the one."

"Well, Miss Dodger, Mr. Hemmings likes you so you got the part," Laura says and Amanda smiles in happiness.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much!" she says.

Luke stands up and she hugs him. He chuckles, "You're fantastic. I'm happy to be working with you."

"The feeling is mutual," she grinned.

"Okay, you two!" Laura motions them back to the table with two stacks of packets in her hands. "These are your contracts. You must sign them and bring them back tomorrow if you want to play your part."

Luke reads as he walks away, nearly bumping into the door as his eyes widen when he reads a page labelled Character Description.

"I have to dye my hair?!" he exclaimed, fluffing up his blonde hair.

"That won't be a problem, would it?" His manager, Christine, suddenly appears by his side with a daring look.

He faked a smile. "Of course it wouldn't..."

Oh boy.

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