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I was sitting here in my office calling the location for the photo shoot and getting everything together. This was honestly the best job too me . ring ring my phone goes off , "yello " I say , "hey I was wondering if you and your friend would like to come to my game tonight I know it's last minute but I would really appreciate it if you come " Isaiah says , I laugh " I would love to come " I say , "alright Thomas will bring two front row tickets to your office " he says , "alright that's fine with me " I say before ending the call , I know I said I don't mix business with my personal life but when it comes to free tickets to a NBA game I don't care , I love watching basketball it reminds me of my college days playing volleyball . today was Thursday and the photo shoot was tomorrow so I hurried and finished everything I had to do then I emailed the address to Isaiah and I turned off my computer , there was a knock at my door , before Thomas came in , "here you are ms.taylor " Thomas says handing me the tickets , " Thanks Thomas " I say smiling he nods and walks out my office , I grab my purse and lock up my office , than walk towards Mr.colton office , I knock then enter , " How may I help you , Jasmine " mr.colton says , see he does stuff like this were in a place of business your suppose to call me by my last name ."mr.colton the photo shoot for Isaiah Walters is tomorrow at 1pm here's the address " I say writing down the address , "oh Jasmine I'm sorry , I'm going on a vacation with my wife , so I need you to go to the photo shoot and manage it " he says , I sigh "is there a problem Ms.taylor " he ask, oh now you want to use my last name "no sir I'll fill in for you " I say with a fake smile. "thank you " he says , "I'll be leaving now " I say turning around and walking towards the door , "Jasmine you look nice " mr.colton say I shake my head not looking back and walking out the door . I call Erica and she answer right away , " You at home " I ask , "yeah y " she says , "I know it's kinda late but Isaiah gave me two tickets to his game tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to come " I say , "hell yeah , you know I can't pass up nothing free " she says making me laugh , "alright I'm on my way home " I say laughing , I hang up then hop in my car and drive home . I get there and run to my apartment , I unlock the door and go straight to my room , I take a quick shower than get out , I put on a matching bra pantie set , then go inside my closet , I grab my white ripped jeans " Erica do you have a clippers jersey " I yell , "right when u told me we were going to the game , I went out and bought me and you one here " she says coming in my room , "I love you omg thanks " I say smiling , I put my outfit on than , slip on some red open toed booties , I take my scarf off and comb my hair than grab my red clutch and walk in the living room , "you ready " I yell , "yeah " Erica says coming towards me we lock up and walk towards my car and jump in , " I look cute with this big jersey on " Erica says checking herself out in the mirror , I shake my head and turn the car on and head towards the staple center , we pull up and pay for parking then park and get out , I look in my clutch and see the two tickets , I give Erica her ticket than we walk inside , "you want to get anything before we go sit down " I ask , "yeah let's get smoothies " she says , we walk towards the smoothie venue , and look at what they have , "can I get a medium mango smoothie and for her a medium strawberry banana smoothie " Erica says , "is that all for you " the clerk says , "yes " Erica says , "that'll be 11.30 " the clerk says , Erica hands her a 20 , I thank Erica then go sit at one of the stools , "so I thought you and Isaiah , just were doing business "she says , "we are , but I couldn't just pass up free tickets to a NBA game " I say , "yeah ok " she says laughing , the lady hands us are drink then we walk into the stadium and into are seats, we had floor seats and it felt awesome , I've never been that close ever, the lights turn off and they play this video on the court floor , then the cheerleaders come out and dance . once there performance is over , the players come out and they start warming up , I see Isaiah and he look sexy in his uniform , damn that man was fine what am I saying . I roll my eyes and look at my phone . "Jasmine " Erica yells , "yeah " I say looking up , "the game is starting " she says and I turn my phone off and look at the game

The game was awesome and the clippers won , Isaiah is really good, and I'll let autumn know that since she's writing about him in the magazine . I stand up and stretch a little "that was fun " Erica says looking tired , "it was but I have work tomorrow so let's go " I tell Erica , "Jasmine " I hear , I turn around to see Isaiah jogging over to us "you did great out there " I say , "thanks " he says looking at me , "let me have your keys I'm going to go wait in the car " Erica says , I pull my keys out my clutch and hand them too her , she walks away and I look back at Isaiah , "come on " Isaiah says grabbing my wrist , and pulling me towards the locker room , I get a little self conscious when people begin to stare at me , I move his hand from my wrist and walk behind him , we go into the locker room and most of the player are either in the shower or have left . "what did you want " I ask , he looks at me , for a while , then grab my face and leans in and kisses me , wtf I push him off of me "what the hell " I say , he looks at me crazy and I just shake my head and run out , I run all the way to the car and jump in the passenger seat since Erica was in the drivers seat , "go " I say , she pulls out the parking lot and speed off "what happened " Erica ask. "he tried to kiss me " I say glaring at the window , "Jasmine what do you expect your beautiful , smart , independent , he likes you and your to stubborn to recognize that " she yells , "he had no right to try to kiss me Erica " I yell back , "well maybe he felt like you liked him also , if you don't like him don't lead him on , jas that's not right " she says in a more calm voice , "I just don't want to get hurt again " I say letting a tear roll down my cheek , "sometimes some people are worth the chance "

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