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"Jasmine " I yell ,she jumps in the car and speeds off , "damn" I say kicking the wall , I walk in the house and close the door and walk back into the kitchen , I see a gold iPhone , "she left her phone " I say smirking shaking my head , I pick it up and look at her screen saver , damn she was beautiful even with Maddie i couldn't get her off my mind , now don't get me wrong Maddie was beautiful and great in bed but there was something about Jasmine that made me want to have her and that kiss definitely proved it . I walked towards my room and grabbed my jacket . ring , Jasmine phone went off , I picked it up and read Erica on the screen , it's probably Jasmine so I might as well answer it . "yello " I say , "omg Isaiah you have my phone " Jasmine says sighing , "yeah I can bring it to you , what's your address " I say , "uh I'll text it to you " she says then hangs up , I wait then she finally sends her address


"You what " Erica says, i sigh in frustration , "I kissed him ok, and it was the best kiss ever "I say putting my hands on my head , "then I ran away and left my freaking phone and now he's bringing it " I tell her , "Jasmine you can't just go around kissing people and running away"Erica says putting her hands on her hips , "I know , I wasn't thinking " I say, there's a knock at the door

"Oh shit "

"That's him " Erica says , "yeah unless someone else is coming " I say , "I'll be in my room " Erica say walking towards her door , I sigh and walk towards the door , he's probably going to think I'm crazy , I open the door and arms grab my waist and pull me into a long and very passionate kiss , I pull away and look up at Isaiah , " why'd you run off " he says looking mad , I sigh I couldn't answer his question , I don't even know myself , "really I don't know , I just didn't know how you would react " I say

"Are you crazy , that was the best kiss I've ever had " he says , and I smile "that's the same thing I said " I tell him , "Jasmine your beautiful asl " he says kissing my forehead , making me blush , "Isaiah where's my phone " I say rolling my eyes , " It's right here " he says holding it up so I can't reach it , "can I have it " I say , "go on one date with me if you don't like it you'll never have to go out with me again " he says begging me with his eyes , "ok " I tell him poking his chest , "ok " he say smiling big asl , I laugh

"Now can I get my phone " I say smirking , "here" he says passing it over and I grab it , "omg my baby " I say , " I'll give you a real baby if you want " Isaiah mumbles , I laugh , "your gross " I say looking up at him and he chuckles , "well I'll talk to you later " he says walking towards the door , "alright " I say closing the door and locking it

"Your finally going on a date " Erica squeals , I look at her blank face " where you really listening in on us " I say shaking my head , "did you really think i wasn't going to " she says laughing , " I wasn't thinking " I say laughing with her ,"omg your going on a date with Isaiah Walters " she squeals again , "he's just another guy , plus remember my ex he made it into the nfl , so I'm guessing everyone I date makes it big " I say chuckling , "well tell me what happened " Erica says , "well I opened the door and he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss , he asked me why I ran off and I told him idk , then he asked me on a date and then he finally gave me my phone back " I say

"You guys kissed again " Erica says wide eyed , and I laugh , "yeah I've been thinking I haven't dated since high school and I'm 23 , it's time I look for a man to settle down with and marry " I say , "yessss "she says , "my girl getting her swag back " she says making me laugh

"I'm tired , I'm going to my room " I say , then walk towards my room , I jump in my bed and pull my phone out , I see four text messages

Autumn : I need the three pictures by tomorrow , I read I reply saying ok , then check my next text

Isaiah: how about I take you somewhere tomorrow for your lunch break

I smile and reply ok

Mr Walters : I'll be back in town tomorrow

Mr.Walters: I hope the magazine is almost done

I roll my eyes "it's almost done , autumn just needs the pictures " I reply , then put my phone away , and look up at the ceiling , my first date in a long time , "yayyy" I squeal

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