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Since I didn't have to go into the office today , I wasn't going to put anything special on , I wore a grey long sleeve crop top , with a black maxi skirt that had a slit mid thigh, and black sandals , my hair was in a curly bun , I looked casual so I was good.I walked inside the studio we where doing the photo shoot at , all I was here to do was make sure everything was in order and pick 5 of the best shots from the photo shoot , so my job was easy but I don't think I was ready to face Isaiah yet . Really when he first kissed me I wanted to kiss back but who just randomly kisses someone we aren't together , so you don't have any rights over my lips . " Ms.taylor " I turn around to see Thomas and Isaiah walking in , Isaiah doesn't even look at me. "Thomas you can call me Jasmine " I say smiling it was kinda getting on my nerves now . "oh well hi Jasmine " he says picking up my hand kissing it , I blushed like a school girl talking to her first crush , "hi Thomas " I say giggling , Isaiah looked up and rolled his eyes glaring at Thomas , " So are we going to sit here and talk or do this photo shoot " Isaiah say in a stern voice , I sigh see this is why I don't mix business with personal things . "yes this is Lauren , she'll be dressing you , hair if needed , and light make up if needed " I say showing him to his dressing room in the studio , I go to where Isaiah will take his photo shoot , and sit by the photographer. "you must be Jasmine, I'm Charlie " the photographer said shaking my hand , "hello" I say smiling , I look at my phone and see a text from Erica , "after the photo shoot , you want to go out to eat tonight " I read , "sure " I reply , I turn my phone off and look up , Isaiah walks in looking like a god , I almost wet my panties just looking at him , I stare for a while , which makes his face turn into a smirk , and I snap out of it and roll my eyes ,"alright let's do this " Charlie says , i pick my phone up and play dot wave , while they do the photo shoot , I would've watched , but right now my hormones was making me like a teenage boy going threw puberty . "nice nice " Charlie says , making me want to look up , "alright let's do a couple with your shirt off " Charlie says sounding a little to happy , shit I was happy to . I looked up and looked at Isaiah , he looked directly at me and took his shirt off slowly , his body was definitely made by God himself ! I wanted to just lick his chest . "I'll be right back " I told Charlie and walked out , I went to my car and grabbed some water , I was feeling thirsty in there like a two dollar hoe , I drunk my water and was good to go , I walked back into the studio and the photographer was looking over the pictures ," so just pick 5 of the best photos, and I'll have them sent to your office by Monday " he says , I look threw them and they were all good basically but I picked two with his suit on, one with his suit jacket off and his sleeves rolled up and two with his shirt off . "alright have a lovely day Jasmine " Charlie says smiling , "you too Charlie " I say and walk out the studio.


I know I was kinda being a ass to Jasmine , but I've never been turned down by a girl , shit most girls come after me. She's probably off the market , whoever the guy is he's lucky.After the photo shoot . I left and went home , I took a shower and then sat on my bed and watched tv , my mind drifted to Jasmine , she was beautiful , she was definitely made by God himself , her beautiful brown skin made me just want to touch it , her long legs complimented her body , even though she was a shorty she could only be around 5'4 , she was a beautiful goddess.Man I need something to distract me from thinking about her , I picked my phone up and called Nick , "sup " Nick said , "hey let's go too the club tonight " I say , "which one " he ask , "Stars" I suggest , "I'm down pick me up at 8" Nick says then I hang up , I get ready , than grab my keys and head over to Nick house , I honk and a few minutes later he walks out , "I'm turning up tonight " Nick says rubbing his hands together, I shake my head and speed of to stars . we pull up and head into the club, since I know the club owner , he gets us a v.i.p room , Nick brings a couple of girls to the room and they pop a couple bottles , "your Isaiah Walters " a sexy black girl ask , "yeah and you are " I ask her smiling , "I'm Madelyn but call me Maddie " she says , "well nice to meet you Maddie " I say shaking her hand ,"you too , do you want to dance " she ask , "sure " I say standing up she grabs my hand and leads me too the dance floor . She turns around and I hold her waist , we dance to a few songs than go back to v.i.p , she takes back a couple of shots, while I just sip on some vodka , "you want to go back to your place "Maddie ask , "yeah let's go " I say smirking , "Nick you ready " I ask , "nah I'm going to catch a ride with one of these girls " he says taking back another shot , "alright " I say , Maddie holds my hand and we walk out the club , I see paparazzi and we hurry to my car and speed off

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