Chapter 4.5

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okay i promise after this i wont do the .5 chapters anymore.... this was just so i could update the book.. even though i have the whole plot planned out hahahaha. i just don't know how to put it into words. also i noticed i had 100 reads!! tysm it means a lot to me!! anyways, enjoy. i made this in only an hour and it is not proofread so mind that. i also made this so i can add more conflict to the next chatpers mwahahaha time to make them enemies >:)


jisung found himself unable to look at minho the same anymore. he was still quite shaken by the previous events, including him, minho, and hyunjin. the encounter had jisung feeling discomfort and self-conscious.

everytime he looked at minho, he couldn't help but think of the awkwardness of what happened and how hyunjin just assumed that. especially when jisung was new to the team.

but besides that, it seemed to bring hyunjin and jisung to become friends. the two joking about it sometimes when they see eachother. they easily got on a first-name basis between eachother.

although, jisung decided not to go work with minho for the time being, as he would have a burst of emotions if he was even in the same room as the other. so he stayed at his desk, working on a piece of the project he needed done.

jisung was focused intently at the task he was finishing before he heard the sound of a chair rolling, and a quiet and distracting sound came up behind him.

"so, you and mr. lee? i mean, i know you two have been working together for the project, but its only been a few days right?" the voice whispered. "hyunjin, i swear to god. if you don't stop talking now, i will personally throw a pencil sharpener at you." jisung replied, half-whispering.

"okay, dude, chill out i was just playing. how far are you on your piece of the project?" hyunjin asked, tilting his head a little to see what jisung was working on.

jisung let out a frustrated sigh. "i'm stuck on this one part. i don't understand how i'm supposed to measure the outfit when it is just an image on a paper." jisung explained, annoyed.

hyunjin leaned back in his chair, smirking as he planned something. "i bet mr. lee could help you. you know, you haven't seen him once today. usually, he would be calling for you." hyunjin suggested.

"you know i can't do that." jisung muttered, expression hardening upon hearing the others name. "dude, come on," the black haired man started.

"see, personally i think that it is not a big deal. it was kind of funny, to be honest. but seriously, if you need help, you can ask him." he said, his tone becoming sincere.

"but of course i can help you. since y'know, i'm the supervisor and all." he offered with a hint of confidence and pride in his voice.

"how did an idiot like you get the supervisor position." jisung mumbled under his breath. "hey. i heard that you bum." hyunjin playfully hit jisung on the shoulder.

"so what's going on here?" hyunjin and jisung jumped at the sound of another persons voice. both slowly turning to see one of their colleagues, kim seungmin.

"ah.. mr. kim, uh.. hi!" jisung said awkwardly, while hyunjin burst of happiness. "seungmin! jisung and i were just talking about how him and mr. lee-" jisung slapped his hand over hyunjins mouth to prevent him from saying anymore.

seungmin glanced to where the hand came from, perking his eyebrow at jisung who suddenly interrupted hyunjin. "oh um, we were just talking about how he assigned us so much work.. right hyunjin?" jisung looked towards hyunjin with a deadly glare.

"right.." hyunjin replied sarcastically. seungmin leaned to hyunjin ear. "tell me all about it during lunch." he whispered with a smirk before he left the two to do their own things.

"hyunjin if you say anything about what happened i will make sure your pretty face is not so pretty anymore." jisung threatened with a terrifying glare.

"not the face, please. it's too gorgeous." hyunjin replied, flipping his hair with a smirk.

jisung narrowed his eyes at hyunjin before shooing him away so he could do his work. soon regretting so, because he still needed help on the piece he was struggling with.


during lunch, the three decided to eat together since jisung wasn't eating with minho for the first time ever.

seungmin, not forgetting their exchange earlier, interrupted the silence. "so, what's with jisung and mr. lee?" seungmin asked hyunjin, acting like jisung wasn't there.

"what? theres nothing going on between us." jisung defended, but it seemed ssungmin left him on heard. "oh god, it's so funny. basically, you know how they eat together?" hyunjin started. seungmin nodding his head to signal for him to go on.

"yeah, anyways. so those two are all lovey dovey when they eat. it makes me wonder what happens in that office. like they feed eachother and stuff too. and it was so funny watching mr. lee get fed by him, especially since he basically hates everyone." hyunjin rambled about his experience with the two to seungmin, who was equally excited to hear about it.

"wow, imagine mr. lee actually liking you. the only person i can think of that mr. lee likes here is his brother, besides jisung. usually he would feel gross about the idea of being fed." seungmin spoke back, jisung feeling more embarrassed as the two kept opening their mouths.

"guys, i swear there is nothing going on. we were just caught up in the moment." jisung again tried to defend himself, and mr. lee. the other two not taking any of it seriously.

"caught up in his lips?" hyunjin laughed loudly at seungmin's comment.

jisung opened his mouth to speak but closed it and looked away while crossing his arms. "no, not that." he mumbled, cheeks glowing red.

"i don't even like him. i just stay with him because he insists i get help from him. he's just uptight and annoying." jisung stated. the two on the opposite side of him stared, eyes widening.

"um, jisung. you might not have wanted to say that." hyunjin suggested. "what?" jisung replied in confusion before turning his head behind him to see a tall minho, with his arms crossed standing behind him and looking down at him.

"so i'm uptight and annoying?" minho quired, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head to the right a bit.

jisung froze. unable to register what happened, stammering for an answer.
"mr. lee.. i didn't mean it like that.." jisung explained, hoping he wouldn't go psycho on him.

minhos expression softened. "relax jisung, i understand." minho smiled "so, you wouldn't mind coming back to my office for the day? in fact, why don't you come for the rest of the week. i'm sure you would enjoy that." minho smiled softly as jisung's eyes widened.

"yes, sir." jisung mumbled as he looked down at his hands. minho chuckled and gave jisung a couple of pats on the shoulder before leaving.

hyunjin burst into laughter the moment minho left. "oh my god! no way that just happened. am i dreaming seungmin?" he turned to the other who just flicked his forehead. "ow!" he held his hands to where he was flicked.

"you deserve that for laughing at my misery." jisung stated stubbornly, arms crossed.

"it was quite funny though, i must admit." seungmin chuckled, enjoying jisungs fit of embarrassment.

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