Chapter 13

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more filler chapters!!! i just realized how much i overused words, so dont mind that. this chapter is SOOO related to the last one. because jisung was mad at minho for kissing him HAHAHAHAHA.

anyways enjoy !!

➶-͙˚ ༘✶
it was saturday, and jisung was bored. very bored. he could be doing his hobbies and still be bored. so, he thought that he was just missing human presence, which had prompted him to call his one and only friend, hyunjin.

he had spent the first half of his day moping around, wondering what to do without quitting immediately due to dullness of his mood. he couldn't even watch his favorite tv show for at least five minutes before turning it off. jisung was truly bored, and out of his mind.

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he had decided to go out with hyunjin and do some shopping. the two had invited seungmin along too, but he said he was busy for the day. so, they have just been wandering around the mall looking at different cute stores but not buying anything.

jisung was actually having fun with his friend, losing balance whenever he would laugh at something hyunjin said or pointing out interesting things. currently, they were in a diner that was in the middle of the mall, ordering as many desserts as they could.

the two erupted in laughter due to something hyunjin had said. once they calmed down, hyunjin pointed something out behind jisung. "hey, isn't that mr. lee over there?" he squinted his eyes at the small image of minho purchasing what looks like a gift for someone at a shop.

slowly, jisung turned around. and just as hyunjin said, it was minho. he was at a jewelry shop that was on the other side of jisung and hyunjin. then, hyunjin noticed something else. "is he with a girl?" jisung looked at hyunjin then turned back to the view of minho.

he was with a girl, a pretty girl. he was laughing with her. he was wearing casual clothes rather than formal clothes. it was such an odd sight to see, but it lit something in jisung. "let's go say hi." jisung stood up from the small table, putting on a sarcastic smile as he dragged hyunjin over to the two giggling with eachother.

as the two reached, jisung made it a point to cling onto minho in front of the girl. "minho, hey! fancy seeing you here." jisung exclaimed. minho and the girl turned at the mention of his name, minho's expression brightening once he saw jisung. "what are you guys doing here?" minho asked out of curiosity.

"we were just buying some stuff." jisung answered before turning to look the girl up and down. "who's this?" he asked as he took ahold of minhos hand and intertwining their fingers. minho paid no attention to it though.

"i'm glad you asked. jisung, this is my sister, minjeong."

oh. jisung thought.

hyunjin turned to jisung with wide eyes, not expecting that. jisung met his eyes before looking back at the woman. "nice to meet you! i'm minho's.." jisung paused as he wondered what he would describe their relationship as.

"boyfriend." minho added, his gaze set on jisung with a soft smile. jisung ignored it and held his hand out to shake the girls.

"what does he mean by that?" hyunjin leaned in to whisper to jisung. he shrugged in response as he let go of the others hand. "it's so nice to meet you, jisung! i'm glad my brother is dating someone pretty. you're really kind too!" she smiled brightly at jisung, shaking his hand really fast.

"oh, i don't think-" jisung began but was cut off by minho. it seemed he had a habit of doing this when he thought jisung was on the verge of ranting about anything. "he is very pretty." his eyes never left jisung, adoring the boy in front of him as if they were the only ones in the room.

"okay lovebirds, i think we've seen enough." hyunjin interrupted the moment, everyone turning to him. jisung furrowed his brows at the sudden interjection. "hello minjeong, i'm hyunjin, jisungs friend." he flashed a warm smile at the girl as he introduced himself.

"hi hyunjin!" she smiled back. "minho, we can pick these out later. you should go hang out with jisung!" she pushed the two away, prompting hyunjin to do the same. "yeah, i'll help minjeong here with whatever you guys were doing before."

"okay okay, we'll go. you two have fun i guess. although, i don't really trust hyunjin with my sister." minho corresponded to the twos nagging, taking jisungs hand and leaving with him.

"you even told your sister that we were dating? i don't get why you want to date me so much." jisung started. "i mean, i don't like you if i'm being honest. you cling onto me way too much." minho mentally rolled his eyes at this before speaking. "i like being with you. and you literally attached yourself onto me in front of my own sister. what else was i going to say? besides, if you didn't like me clinging to you, then you would have pushed me off by now." minho countered jisungs words as he pointed with his free hand towards the interlocked ones.

jisung chose to ignore it as they wandered through the mall. they had seen a shop that had their interest, so they went over to see what was being marketed there. it was a cute shop with plushies, bags, and more. jisung was in love with this shop, seeing as it could add to his collection of giant cute stuffed animals.

as they looked around, jisung settled on a dog plush that was beige with red hearts around it's eyes. giggling at the stuffed dog, he showed it to minho who paid no attention to it and admired how jisung was emersed in the plushie. "let me go pay quickly, minho." jisung stated.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

it was nearing the end of their 'date' as it was getting late. they had left the mall a while ago and went out to eat at a small restaurant. jisung was really enjoying his time with minho, although he would never admit it. his sappy jokes making jisung laugh purely. it was as if the two were a real couple, doing couple-like things such as feeding eachother. but once they were done, it was time to go home.

minho was walking jisung home to be with him for the rest of his time. their conversations flowed smoothly like liquid. as they reached jisungs house, minho plotted something before letting jisung leave for the night. they had stopped at the gate in front of jisungs house before turning to face eachother.

minho grabbed both of jisungs hands with his own, but before he could do anything, jisung spoke up. "i enjoyed today, thank you." he smiled at the other. "but, that will most likely be the last you hear that from me." jisung giggled as minho rolled his eyes playfully.

"i'm glad you enjoyed it." minho's eyes flickered to jisungs lips for a moment, before leaning down to quickly peck jisung on the lips. "go inside now, i'll see you monday." his smile widened as he watched the shorter ones speechless reaction.

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