Another Encounter

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chapter 8: Another Encounter

Next day:)

I was walking in garden nearby my house . The vibrant greenery of the garden enveloped me as I walked, the scent of fresh leaves mingling with the cool breeze. Despite the serenity, a sense of being watched tingled at the edge of my awareness, prompting me to glance over my shoulder.

To my astonishment, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, his hazal eyes meeting mine in an unexpected encounter. Startled, I froze in place, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to process the sheer coincidence of our meeting.

Josh's expression mirrored my own shock, his features reflecting the disbelief that hung heavy in the air between us. For a moment, we simply stood there, two strangers brought together by chance, our paths converging in the most unlikely of circumstances.

"Hey, sorry to startle you. I was just lost and trying to find my way around this neighborhood," Josh finally spoke, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

I nodded slowly, still reeling from the sheer improbability of our encounter. "No problem. It's just... unexpected, seeing you here."

Josh chuckled nervously, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Tell me about it. I never expected to run into you again so soon."

As the realization of our shared disbelief sunk in, a sense of camaraderie began to form between us. Despite the strangeness of the situation, there was a comfort in knowing that we weren't alone in our bewilderment.

"Well, I guess it's just one of those crazy coincidences," I remarked, trying to make sense of the surreal moment.

"Yeah, I guess so," Josh agreed with a nod, his eyes still lingering on mine as if searching for some deeper meaning in our unexpected reunion.

And just as we began to exchange pleasantries, Josh's friend Andrew arrived, his easygoing demeanor and friendly smile adding a new dimension to our encounter. Josh introduced Andrew as his best friend, a revelation that caught me off guard.


"Best friend?" I repeated, the words hanging in the air between us like a question mark.

Josh seemed to sense my surprise, his expression softening as he explained their close bond. "Yeah, Andrew and I go way back. He's practically like a brother to me."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity at the dynamic between them, the warmth of their friendship evident in the easy way they interacted.

Andrew joined us at the bench at side of garden, his presence adding a new dynamic to our conversation. With his easygoing demeanor and quick wit, he effortlessly blended into our banter, making me feel like I'd known him for years.

But as the afternoon wore on, a familiar ringtone pierced the air, signaling the arrival of a text message. I glanced at my phone to see a message from Cally, reminding me of our plans for the evening.

"Looks like I have to go," I said reluctantly, rising from my seat. "It was nice meeting you, Andrew. And Josh, thanks for the unexpected company."

Josh smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Anytime, Liz. Who knows, maybe our paths will cross again soon."

As I made my way out of the garden, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the unlikely friendship that had blossomed from a series of chance encounters. And as I disappeared into the bustling streets of the city, I knew that this was only the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Thanks everyone 🫰🏻🌻

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