A Chirpy Surpise

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  Kickin opened his eyes, but hesitated before he sat up, knowing he will feel tense pain in his thighs. He shook Bubba awake, hoping Bubba can lift him up and help him walk. Bubba opened his eyes and sat up stretching and yawning before he look at Kickin to see what he wanted.

After he glared at Kickin, Bubba knew what was happening and got up as he placed his arm under Kickin, and lifted him up while holding Kickins unsteady torso for support. Bubba held Kickins waist as they slowly made their way to Bubbas couch.
   They finally arrived at their destination, the couch, and Bubba let go of Kickins waist when he sat on the couch. He sat next to Kickin and they watched some movies, but Kickin moved uncomfortably since his thighs ached, and he cuddled Bubba to ease the pain.

   After a while, Bubba thought of Kickins board, and how much it meant to him. For Picky to just break it in two like that made his blood boil. So instead of just thinking of dealing with Picky, he thought of making a new and better one! One that was unbreakable so Kickin wouldn't go through more dread if they attempted to break it again.

  Bubba carefully moved the sleeping avian to his side and got up, as he headed to his workspace. Bubba worked for hours and hours, until he finally finished! He wiped the sweat from his forehead and lifted the board to test if it was truly unbreakable. Bubba lifted the world's most dangerous hammer, and slammed it against the middle of the board with a loud clank. It didn't break.

Bubba smiled, genuinely, as he lifted the board and hid it behind his back while he headed off to Kickin. Kickin was walking back and fourth, worried about the baby blue mammal, until his face lit up with joy when he saw the one he was looking for walk up to him.

Before Kickin could hug him, Bubba stopped him. Kickin was confused and stood infront of Bubba with his head tilted to the side.

"I have something for you love bird" Bubba began.

"Like?" Kickin said with a small grin on his face while he crossed his arms.

Bubba pulled the skateboard from behind his back, holding it out to the shocked chicken. Tears began dashing down Kickins face. Tears of Joy. Kickin hugged Bubba tightly before holding the board in his hands.

  Bubba explained how it was unbreakable, so Picky and Bobby can't snap it in two anymore. The board was decorated with kind words, and the colors yellow and baby blue indicating him and Bubba. The design was splits and swirls, and as for the bottom, was Kickins name written in cursive with yellow and a splat of sky blue. Bubba made it so that if hateful words were written, it would just wash off easily, while keeping all the kinds words.

Kickin kissed Bubba on the cheek and thanked him. Luckily Kickin was able to walk with a small wobble, since Bubba took so long.

  Him and Bubba went out, while Bubba read his book and watched Kickin hit stunts on his ramp, smiling at the sight of seeing him truly happy.

(546 words)
Sorry this one was short, but if ya got ideas just comment! I'll always reply!


☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now