1. Roles

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Author's note:  I did not know what possessed me to write this.


"We have a job."

Everyone stopped talking and turned their head toward Faust. The Number Two Sinner held a thick file of papers in her hand. Next to her side was Vergilius. Everyone was frightened when they saw his expression. He was... smiling.

Happy Vergilius was not a good thing.

"Well, a job certainly is better than sitting around." Rodion leaned to her seat. "What is it?"

"Infiltrate an organization?" asked Gregor.

"Fighting gangster?" asked Hong Lu.

"Escorting different division?" asked Don.

"Murder?" asked Ryoshu.

"No. We are going to perform for a theatre," answered Faust.

"Say what now?" Heathcliff was flabbergasted.

"Caramel Theater asked us to act in an emergency. They lost their actors and actresses and are in dire need of replacement. We will be rewarded greatly for our performance."

Ishmael sighed. "Really? Acting? That is not even part of the job description."

"Ishmael is right." Sinclair gave his opinion. "I don't think that is the right job for us."

Outis agreed with them. "This is outrageous! We are part of company employees, not an entertainer!"

Dante reassured everyone. <"We shouldn't jump to a conclusion yet. Our mission is usually related to our job.">

Outis changed to her bootlicking mode. "I can see that. Wise as usual, Manager!"

"I am surprised all of you refused." Vergilius was grinning. "We will get a free buffet for lunch after the performance."

"FOR REAL?" Rodion shifted her mind when food was mentioned. "What's the food?"

"Faust has the food list for the buffet that day."

She pulled a paper from the thick file and gave it to Rodion. The rest of the sinners became interested.

Everyone gathered around the tall woman to check the menu. Their saliva dripped from looking at the picture of the food.

Heathcliff wiped his mouth. "Guh, they have different sliced meats."

"The dumplings look good. I wonder if it tastes like the dumplings they made back home." Hong Lu pondered.

"ICE CREAM!" Don screamed when she saw the dessert.

Yi Sang was thinking and asked a question. "Which story are we going to perform?"

"Snow White. Our audience is children and their parents."

Sinclair relieved. "So there will be no critic..."

Since Dante could not talk, they were assigned as directors. Faust gave everyone a preview of the script. Their performance was divided into different roles and parts. Some roles, such as the main character, had more dialogue and movement than others. The sinners argued with each other to get the role they wanted. They almost caused unnecessary bloodshed from arguing. Fortunately, Meursault came up with a solution.

"Manager, how about using a raffle to make it fair?"

<"Oh, that's a good idea.">

Dante prepared 12 papers filled with names for the roles. The sinners took the wrapped paper and opened it at the same time. Everyone had a different reaction to their roles. Some were satisfied, some were disappointed, and some had mixed reception.

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