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An old soft classic song was all heard in that dance floor, which was filled with a few couples of different age groups slowly swaying their body to the song playing in the background.The hall was dimly lit, making the atmosphere more romantic as the other people gathered for the party was busy admiring the dancing couples on the floor.

And there at the centre of the floor, a man in his twenties was totally lost in the galaxy eyes of another male, who was in his arms, swaying his hips to the music.The elder male had his one arm wrapped around the latter's petite waist, and other holding the younger's one palm securely in it.The latter was taking slow steps as his other palm rested on the man's hard chest possesively.Their eyes were shining as they never left each other's faces, too immersed in capturing every features of the other.

Loud claps echoed in the hall as the song finished, making all the dancing couples to bow at the crowd with a smile as they all one by one left the place.But not one specific pair.They remained in that floor, still dancing slowly to the love song, which is playing in their mind only now.When everyone left the floor, making it almost empty the man's arm tightened over the petite waist in his hold, pulling the younger closer.

"The song is over." The doe eyed male whispered with closed eyes.

"Hmm?" The elder male didn't bother to take his focus away from the pretty face of the younger which remind him of a cute fluffy bunny always.

"We should leave the floor Taehyung." The male whispered again, but his body only leaned closer to the man named Taehyung, who's grip tightened over the other's body.

"Don't wanna let go of you." Taehyung said truthfully, which made the bunny faced male open his eyes to stare back at the man.

"Me too, I just wanna stay close to you like this forever." He replied with his lips curving a lil upwards to form a small smile, making the elder's heart to beat crazily.

"Do you want me to make it happen Jungkook? To hold you close to me like this forever?" Taehyung asked with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"Will you?" Jungkook asked tilting his head sideways doubtfully, earning instant nods from the man.

"For you I can do anything." Taehyung said with no hesitation.

"Don't be too cheesy already." Jungkook slapped Taehyung's chest lightly with a headshook.

"I was serious.Not trying to be cheesy.Now tell me, do you want me to?" Taehyung asked in a serious tone, his heart thumping loud waiting for the response.

"Yes I want to." Jungkook replied with a confident head nod.

"Then be mine Jungkook, just a word from you and I promise I won't let go of your hand ever!" Taehyung's voice was deep as he said that, as his thumb caressed the knuckles of Jungkook which was in his safe hold.

"What will I get in return if I agree to be yours?" Jungkook asked with a raised brow, taking his time to think.

"My love, my heart, my soul and my everything.I'll give you myself." Taehyung offered himself to the younger.

"Hmm..." Jungkook's cold eyes wandered over the man's face as he took his time to think.

"But once I claim it as mine, then there won't be a going back.You'll be trapped with me forever Mr.Kim." Jungkook stated with no particular change in his face.

"I'm more than ready for that." Taehyung replied instantly.

"Are you that desperate?" Jungkook asked daringly.

"More than you can imagine.I love you so fucking much Jungkook." The man confessed not hiding his desperation and in return Jungkook's lips twisted to form a satisfied smirk.

"Then go talk to my parents.I want our marriage to be fixed on the nearest date possible." Jungkook demanded.

"Is that a y-yes?" Taehyung could hear his own heart beating wild, as his eyes sparkled with a new glint.

Jungkook only pecked Taehyung lips in return. "Yes!"

Taehyung parted his lips in shock, as his eyes went wide at the mere touch of the younger's baby pink lips on his.Fuck he felt a current ran through his spine at that touch.Gosh how will he survive when Jungkook give him a real kiss? He'll die for sure!! Taehyung was so sure of that.

"I want you as mine.Only mine! And I want to be yours for the rest of my life." Jungkook confessed his need, with a small pretty smile lingering on his lips.And Taehyung! The man was too close to faint then and there.

"And remember there's no going back.Take enough time to make a decision.Don't regret it later." Jungkook warned sternly.

"I'd die rather than regretting this decision.I don't need any time.If only I could, I'd have married you right this instant." Taehyung grinned wide as his lips formed a box shape, making Jungkook feel a flip in his stomach as a bunch of sleeping butterflies suddenly started flying all inside his tummy in joy. That smile! The boxy grin, has something in it and Jungkook realised he's falling for that smile, falling for that man already.

And the already stunned Jungkook was not at all ready for that, when Taehyung just kneeled down on the floor, infront of hundreds of people who came to the party, along with both of their parents in that crowd, only to take Jungkook's palm to his lips, to place a warm kiss on his soft skin.

There happened Taehyung's first kiss for Jungkook.A kiss that was full of love, a kiss which was a welcoming for Jungkook to his life, a kiss that was his token of gratitude to the younger for agreeing to be his better half.That kiss had so many unsaid words conveyed through it.

A silent gasp left from Jungkook's lips, who felt himself falling harder for that man, who was there kneeled infront of him with still that boxy grin plastered on his face.

The crowd cheered loud for the young couple sharing a lovely moment.And their parents who were watching the scene couldn't help their smile as their father's shared a nod with each other, silently agreeing to something and their mothers shared a hug of happiness as they squealed together.

But the two in the dance floor was totally lost in each other's eyes to notice any of the chaos happening around.They were too busy admiring each other, already dreaming a happy future together.


I just couldn't hold myself back (≧▽≦)

So here it is! The prequel of My book 'Remember, love has no limits!'

As it says, this book will be narrating the story of taekook from the beginning.How it all started! How they met, fell in love, got married, and their happy life falling apart all of a sudden and how they became the strength and hope for each other to hold on till the end.

And to my readers of RLHNL, Thank you for all your love! I hope I can satisfy you all with my writing.I'll try my best.💜💜💜💜

(I'll start updating this book after finishing my ongoing book.Probably by mid of may.)

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