5. A date?

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Sitting on his bed, fully comfortable in his cute pjs, Taehyung was all ready to sleep.But sleep was far away from his eyes as his gaze was focused on his phone which was placed infront of him.

Without blinking his eyes he was biting on his finger nails as a frown adorned his features.

Should I call him? He asked to himself.
Or should I text him? The man was so confused since the minute Seokjin made the younger couple exchange their numbers before the Jeons left the mansion.The two was so hesitate and awkward, therefore Jin himself dialed Taehyung's number from Jungkook's phone.And Taehyung can't be more grateful to the elder male for that because he himself wanted to ask for Jungkook's number.If not, then how are they supposed to connect to each other and know each other more? Exchanging phone numbers is the first step.And Seokjin made it so easy for them.

"But what should I text him? Hi? Hello? Or hey? Which is better?" Taehyung almost wanted to scream at the questions put forward by his mind.

He made a crying face as he took the phone in his hand but felt like his hand shaking already not even when he turned the device on to begin with.

"Yahh just do it already! It's not that a big deal." He scolded himself.

"But what will he think of me? It's too early to text.I may sound too desperate." He argued with himself, hitting his own head with the pillow twice, before plopping on the bed, with his ass up in the air and face pressed on to the soft pillow.

He groaned into the pillow at the frustration.But his self cursing session was interrupted when his phone lit up with a notification sound.

The pouting Taehyung, with his one eye opened peeked into the screen.Immeditely his pout replacing with surprise as he jumped up on the bed, the phone almost flying away from his hand at the force with with he sprung up.

Bunny angel:

Taehyung-ssi, we reached here safely 😊

Taehyung almost squealed reading the text again and again.His face glowed up with a wide boxy grin.He thanked himself a thousand times for the moment he decided to tell Jungkook to text him when they reach home.And Jungkook didn't forget that.He texted him.Awww such an obedient bunny.Taehyung giggled at the thought feeling a surge of happiness and excitement rushing into him as his fingers quickly typed a reply not wanting to put Jungkook on seen for so long, which may feel like an offend for the younger.

Baby Kim:

Glad to know that Jungkook-ssi
I was about to text you.

Jungkook smiled at the text as he continued unbuttoning his shirt, thinking of a reply to give.He just reached his room and the first thing his mind told him was to text the man and let him know that they reached home just like the man asked him to do.What if the man was waiting for his text? Afterall he doesn't want to make him wait more.So that's why even before changing his outfit Jungkook sent a quick text to Taehyung.And he didn't expect this immediate response.

Bunny angel:

Oh I see 😊
Good night then Taehyung-ssi
Sleep well ❤️

A HEARTTTT??!!!! DID JUNGKOOK-SSI JUST SEND HIM A RED HEARTTTTT??? OH MY GODDD!!!! The man's poor heart may burst now.Taehyung with his wide eyes and mouth, stared at the tiny red heart without blinking his eyes.There was a whole fucking zoo jumping inside his tummy at the moment.

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