4. At the Kim's (2)

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The dinner was peaceful, with the delicious traditional menu prepared by the Kim's for their dearest guests.Talks about their companies, their families, their preferences, everything was going on between the two families except for two males who were unusually so quiet during the whole dinner.They paid zero attention to the discussion going on as their only focus was on the plate of the food infront.But once in a while their eyes found getting lost in each other's without getting noticed by anyone else.

Taehyung watched with amusement how Jungkook aggressively chewed on the piece of food in his mouth with a deep frown adorning his features showing an angry expression.Taehyung blinked confusedly as he took a quick glance at what Jungkook is having.It was steak.The same one he had first and Taehyung swear it tastes so good.His eomma is the best at cooking.But looks like the younger Jeon doesn't really like the dish as he look so annoyed while eating.Or maybe Jungkook is not really a fan of steaks?As the boy looked like someone threatened him to eat it.

Anyways Taehyung made a mind note that not to buy steaks for Jungkook when they go out for a dining date in future.Wait!, a date? Like the Date?? Already dreaming of a date with him? Isn't that too early for that thought Kim Taehyung? The younger Kim blushed at the thought as he slightly shook his head to get rid of his dreams as he dropped his gaze back to the almost emptied bowl of soup infront of him.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the blushing hooman right opposite to him.What's there in that chicken soup to get that shy about? Jungkook wondered looking at the red cheeks of the man as he slowed down munching on the delicious steak in his mouth, which he liked a lil too much.

Taehyung wandered his eyes over the table full of dishes as he made his mind to serve some japchae for himself next.

But before he could even take a spoonful, Mrs.Kim stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"That's the spicy one for everyone baby.I made some portion less spicy for you." She said pointing another closed dish, at the other side before serving some to her son earning a smile from Taehyung.

"My eomma is the best." Taehyung squealed in tiny, leaning closer to Mrs.Kim's ear only for her to listen, earning a playful slap on his arm as the lady smiled warmly at his son.

Jungkook watched the scene with a squinted gaze.He's such a baby! Jungkook realised and without his permission his lips curved to form a small smile.And less spicy food for the baby Kim.Noted!!

"So what you guys think? Is it a yes from both of you?" Mr.Jeon's cheerful voice echoed there, as all the eyes turned to the two youngers.

"Yeah tell us, when do you want us to arrange the wedding? We're ready to hold it on even tomorrow." Mr.Kim said with the same excitement as everyone except the soon to be fiances laughed at his words.

Jungkook nibbled on his lower lip nervously not finding the right words to express his opinion as he doesn't want to disappoint Mr.Kim but at the same time he doesn't want a decision like marriage to be forced upon him.

"Appa, we need time!" Jungkook's nervous gaze fell on Taehyung as the man spoke up cutting off the loud laughter.Relief washed over Jungkook when Taehyung closed his eyes at him with a warm smile gesturing that he'll take care of everything.

"How much?" It was Mrs.Kim's enquiry.

Taehyung shared a quick glance at Jungkook silently asking his opinion and the bunny quickly showed his four fingers at Taehyung.

"Atleast four months.We need to get to know each other before taking such a big decision of our life.And we're not ready for a marriage now.So only when we both feels like we're perfect for each other we can proceed with this proposal." Taehyung finished speaking, turning his gaze to Jungkook to seek confirmation and the bunny showed his thumbs up to the man nodding his head in agreement.

The parents shared glances at each other before Mr.Kim cleared his throat.

"I think that's fine with us?" He put forward his opinion instantly getting cut off by his own wife.

"No!! That's not at all fine with me!!" Mrs.Kim glared at her husband.

"I want Jungkook here as soon as possible.I can't wait for another four months." She sulked earning chuckles from the others.

"Oh youra, seems like you liked my baby a lil too much." Mrs.Jeon giggled.

"Ofcourse I loved him.I just wanna adopt him now itself." Mrs.Kim continued with her heart eyes only on Jungkook who was busy blushing getting all the love from his soon to be mother in law whereas Taehyung had to bit his lips so hard not to coo out loud at the red cheeked adorable bunny infront of him.

"And same with my case.Taehyungie just melted my heart.He's such an adorable handsome baby with a very polite behaviour.I will do anything to make him my son in law." Mrs.Jeon said with her loving gaze only focused on Taehyung who couldn't help but to giggle at her words.And Jungkook swear he's will do anything to hear those melodious giggles again.

"Umm but I think we shouldn't rush with our decision.It's their life.They should choose what's the best for themselves.They are going to live with it for the rest of their life.Not us." Namjoon shared his opinion.

"I think the same." Jin agreed to his husband's words.

"Then I guess let's wait for four months?" Mr.Jeon asked, waiting for everyone's opinion.

"We have no problem with that.Right youra?" Mr.Kim said, turning to his wife who's pout was still evident.

"Umm if they want that, then fine." She said finally smiling at the younger ones.

"Same opinion from my side too." Mrs.Jeon also added.

"So that's final then.We will wait for four months to let you guys decide.In this time you both can go on dates if you want to.We are fine with it.Take your time to understand each other better.And let us know your final decision.But remember, the earlier it is, the more happy we are." Mr.Kim declared earning agreeing nods from the others as they passed their soft smiles at the soon to be couple.

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook once again, only to see him staring back at him already with a content smile on his face.Jungkook nodded his head at Taehyung, slightly bowing at him in tiny as if showing how grateful he is for taking his wish in consideration in this matter.

He knew if not Taehyung, then also his parents will understand him if he tell them that he doesn't want a marriage now.They won't force him ever and he knew that.But something about Taehyung taking stand for him infront of their families, seeking for Jungkook's opinion at every step, made his heart flutter again.His tummy again felt that wierd ticklish feeling inside, everytime Taehyung's eyes searched for him in between.

And the most importantly Taehyung didn't mention it as Jungkook's wish to his family but rather he explained it as their wish.The man earned his respect there!


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