A court af silver flames

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Let her dig her own grave, boy. Then offer her a hand. Keep reaching out your hand

 - Amren, page 82

I can't be perfect every moment of every day, Nes - Cassian, page 200

Whatever you  need to throw at me, I can take it. I won't break. - Cassian, page 214

I cannot survive without reading. - Emerie, page 302

Never again would she be weak.

Never again would she be at someone's mercy.

Never again would she fail.

Never again, never again, never again. - Nesta, page 402

I am going to tell you that you will get through it. That you will face all of this, and you will get through it. That these tears are good, Nesta. These tears mean you care. I am going to tell you that it is not too late, not for any of it. And I can't tell you when, or how, but it will get better. What you feel, this guilt and pain and self-loathing- you will get through it. But only if you are willing to fight. Only if you are willing to face it, and embrace it, and walk through it, to emerge on the other side of it. And maybe you will still feel that tinge of pain, but there is another side. A better side. - Cassian, page 505

But I still don't know how to fix myself. -Nesta

There's nothing broken to be fixed - Cassian, page 506

Our stories are worth telling - Gwyn, page 573

She had not  failed. She had faced it and survived. She might not have saved the world or led armies, but she has made this small, initial step.- Nesta, page 575

For it was the music between their souls. Always had been. And his voice was her favorite melody. - Nesta, page 610

I am the roch against which the surf crashes. Nothing can break me. - Gwyn

Nothing can break us. - Emerie, page 621

I don't want to take the safe road. I want to take that road. I want to take the road that no one dares travel, and I want to travel it with you two. No matter what may befall us. Not as Illyrians, not for their titles, but as something new. To prove them, to everyone, that something new and different might triumph over their rules and restrictions. - Gwyn, page 693

She would not fail her friends. She had no room for fear in her heart. Only calm. Determination. And love.

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