Chapter 27

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[POV: Narrator]

Andi woke before Oscar did that morning.


In the time it took for him to wake up, Andi managed to pack away all her things, clean her side of the room, go to have breakfest, come back, clean the bathroom and get herself ready to leave.

It honestly impressed Andi just how heavy a sleeper he was; since at various points she intentionally tried to wake him up with loud noise as she deemed it'd be too awkward to nudge him awake, but he didn't so much as move.

When he did finally wake up — meaning he took Andi's fashionable sleeping mask off, groaned, stretched, and proceeded to 'doze' for another half an hour — the first real sentence he got out was "You went to have breakfast without me?" to which Andi threw a bag at him which contained a croissant.

"Brought that back for you. The breakfast buffet closed an hour ago."

"Oh, thanks." He then groaned once again, sitting up to eat his croissant, in bed, a bed with white sheets, getting crumbs everywhere. Andi gave him one look before deciding it'd be best if she didn't look, as she'd probably start crying. She wasn't a clean freak; she really wasn't. But she definitely regretted getting Oscar such a crumby breakfast.

"You can take your time," she said with her back to him, "I payed extra so we could check out at a later time."

Oscar stopped eating and started to concentrate. "Did you already do that? Or was that because of me?"

When Andi didn't answer him, he got his answer. He got up properly after that, feeling bad. He could hear the slight tinge of annoyance in Andi's tone, even though she tried her very best to hide it. She wasn't really annoyed, she was just punctual. Plus, she was the one who didn't book him a room, and didn't want to bring any more attention to that by forcing him to get up earlier than he wanted to.

Once Oscar was ready, they both left and started their journey back to the paddock, where, at last, other drivers had begun arriving.

For the entire journey, Andi played songs from various Disney soundtracks, and nothing else.

Oscar didn't want to admit that he enjoyed it.

Around half of the way back, Andi received a text. Upon seeing it pop up on her phone's screen, she grabbed it from the dash and started texting back.

"Hey!" came a sudden burst from beside her.

"What? It's just Lando." she said, continuing to text with one hand.

"Can you not do that while you're driving?!"

Andi looked up at him and gave him the 'really?' look, to which he nodded as if to say 'yes, really.'

"You do it then," she said, chucking him her phone so that he could continue the message if it meant that much to him.

Oscar read the message: "You coming tonight? Could really use a lift."

He then read what Andi had begun typing: "Suck my—"

Oscar stared at the screen. He cleared his throat, not expecting her reply to have been so coarse, "Um, what was the end of this sentence supposed to be? I'll finish it."

Andi chuckled at his forwardness, even though she could tell he didn't really want to type any of the possible endings to her sentence. "You do it," she insisted, "You decide." She smirked to herself. She was testing him; she wanted to know what boundaries she could push when it came to her humour. Plus, she imagined Oscar was the type to avoid swearing.

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