All Too Young

120 4 41

♧Sad little oneshot I thought of

♧Based on my Red and Dark sibling AU

♧Warnings: gun mentioned, js general angst 


"I'm sure it's nothing Red." SC reassured, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Second's right. But having a check up will just reassured us that nothings wrong." Green added.

Red gave both of them a weary smile. For the last few weeks she'd been getting headaches, feeling nauseous, not being able to see properly sometimes, and had gotten angrier, quieter. A couple of days ago she had snapped at Green just for asking for the remote. They had booked a doctors appointment just in case anything was wrong, and now they were on their way there.

"I'm sure it's nothing. I've felt better these last couple of days." She said.

They all nodded and eventually pulled up to their destination. Only Green, SC, and Red had come as Red didn't want too many people there, and Yellow and Blue had chores to do back at home. They walked into the reception and sat down in the seating area. A few minutes of silence passed and eventually Red's name was called. 

"Can I just go in by myself if that's okay with you guys?" She asked, turning to the others.

"Yeah course." They said, and Red nodded appreciatively. 

She walked off down the corridor and came to the room that she had been called to, and an emerald-green colored stick was waiting for her.

"Hi there, I'm Azure, Red right?" The woman greeted as Red sat down in the chair opposite her.

"That's me." She replied, smiling.

"So, tell me what's been going on Red."

"Uh..I've been having headaches, really bad ones, I've been throwing up a lot, my eyesight been weird recently and my mental health hasn't been the best."

As Red said this, the doctor typed swiftly on her keyboard.

"Alright, and anything else?"

"Not really." The doctor didn't speak for a moment as she scrolled and clicked her mouse, and after a couple of seconds she turned back to Red.

"Okay, I think what you've been experiencing recently is migraine headaches. They're likely to cause all of your symptoms, so it would explain all of them.

"Red felt a wave of relief rush through her.

"Okay, so how do I treat them?"

"It's quite simple. Some of the useful methods a lot of people use can include temperature therapy, paracetamol or ibuprofen, small sips of a caffeinated drinks etcetera. You can find most of the helpers on Google. You'll be completely fine."

"Thank you miss. I really appreciate it." Red nodded.

"No problem. Bu-bye!" She said as Red walked out the door.

Red couldn't help smiling as she walked back down the hallway and back to SC and Green.

"How was it? What's wrong?" SC asked nervously.

"I'm completely fine. It's just migraine headaches. She gave me some advice on how to deal with them as well." She explained.

Green and SC laughed in relief and brought Red into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you'll be okay." SC said as they all walked back to the car.

Green agreed and they started on the journey home. As they drove however, Red felt a headache coming on, and when SC asked her what she wanted for takeaway, she just snapped.

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