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Gloxinia symbolises instant attraction, love at first sight, and affection. This chapter is about the ball where Hyunjin and Felix meet. And as you can probably guess from the flower, someone is going to fall in love at first sight.



Walking down the winding marble steps, Hyunjin spotted his cousin walking towards him, a wide smile on her face, and a half-full glass of white wine in hand. "Cousin," he said with open arms, giving her a quick hug, seeing the women around staring and waiting for their turn to approach.

"I've already done a bit of mingling. I think there are quite a few women here that you will be interested in." Yeji moved to stand on Hyunjin's left side. She wore an elegant, deep-blue ball gown where the bodice tied up behind her neck, and her hair flowed over her shoulders.

They both scanned over the crowd, aware that the night would be a long one.

Hyunjin took another sip of his wine. "And who may those women be? I know Princess Seo Soojin is someone mother wants me to entertain, and I'd like to meet her too."

"I haven't spoken with Princess Soojin yet, I wanted to wait until you arrived. Saying that I don't think I've seen Lord Dweahi either."

Hyunjin chuckled, "that may be for the best at the moment. It'll be better if he's coming late, I don't want him getting too dunk into the night. Is this man that potentially caught your heart here?"

"No," Yeji sighed, there was a sadness to it. "The people invited here are for you, not me. Though, it's not like I don't have friends here. I'm a lot more social than you." She gave Hyunjin a slight nudge with her elbow.

"Hey, I have plenty of friends, thank you very much." Hyunjin nudged back.

Yeji shrugged. "Yet, you don't have a potential wife. If I weren't your cousin, I'd believe the—"

"Prince Hwang Hyunjin, Princess Hwang Yeji, Your Royal Highnesses." Yeji was cut off by one of the women daring enough to approach first. She curtsied in her light blue gown which the cousins retuned. "I am Lady Kim Minjeong. I come from the Winter Court." A dimple on her left cheek showed as she smiled.

"It's lovely to meet you Lady Kim Minjeong. Thank you for travelling all the way from the North of Starean." Hyunjin extended his arm, the Lady took his hand, and he kissed the back of hers. A blush was apparent across her cheeks.

"I'm the one who is grateful for being invited to such an event. This castle is magnificent. You are more handsome than any of the pictures I have seen."

Hyunjin smiled at her flattery, she was the first woman he'd greeted and knew some of their words were to simply be on his good side. He laughed, "that may be because all the current pictures of me are two years old."

"You may not know but," Lady Minjeong kept talking, "my family is well involved with the Winter Court's military. My brother is an officer." That caught Hyunjin's attention which she would've known.

"Really?" He said, his pitch raising slightly.

"Yes. I even have a little experience myself, but it's mostly with horse riding. I have two horses back at home."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 • ʰʸᵘⁿˡⁱˣWhere stories live. Discover now