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Petunias are a symbol of anger, and this chapter focuses on Felix's mother's anger upon hearing that Felix and the Prince met.



Felix had spent much of the night awake. He had trouble finding himself comfortable enough in a foreign bed to allow his mind to shut down. It didn't help that only a few hours ago, he had met the man his mother hoped for him to marry, and it was a peculiar meeting.

Prince Hwang Hyunjin had appeared out of nowhere while Felix used his mother had gone off to talk with someone-Felix wasn't paying enough attention to hear what she said. Felix's guard, Lee Minho, said he would keep watch while Felix had some freedom from his mother's suffocation. All the forced conversations with other Princesses and Ladies were difficult to maintain. However, he did find it easier when they complimented him on his dress. His mother would butt in about how she had it all designed, but Felix didn't mind, he adored the praise about his beauty. There were other conversations with Princes and Lords, but Felix allowed his mother to take the lead. Having stayed in the castle most of his life, Felix had limited males that he ever spoke with, and thus his confidence in topics was minimal.

The springtime night sky was truly magnificent from the balcony. When Felix heard the door, he thought it to be his guard, telling him to head back inside. So, when he turned around to the man who was the main event for the night, Felix couldn't help but try to suppress his shaking hands by holding onto his skirt. He had actually wished for his mother to appear so she could do the talking. Felix had practiced for years his feminine voice and didn't want his anxiety to cause him to slip up. With Prince Hyunjin's persistent attempts at talking, Felix chose to say as little as possible. He was even cautious to stand next to the Prince in case he noticed anything that masculine about Felix. He kept his head low to hide his Adam's-apple and pulled his shoulders in to appear smaller. Remembering to use the techniques his mother taught him.

However, the Prince behaved unexpectedly at the end. Felix wasn't sure if it was possibly from the alcohol, or how others inside the ball were behaving. With freedom from his mother, Felix wanted to escape from everyone, and maybe that was what Prince Hyunjin wanted too. Felix could not deny that the Prince was more handsome than the pictures he'd been given-it left Felix nervous for multiple being so close to the Prince, alone.

Felix had yet to figure out how-or if---he should tell his mother about the encounter. When Lee Minho came to collect him, his mother claimed to be feeling ill, and they left not long after. He was unable to find a moment to tell her since as soon as they arrived back to their quarters, she retired straight to her room and asked to not be disturbed.

So, Felix tried to sleep too, unsuccessfully. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw Prince Hwang Hyunjin, staring at him, deeply into his eyes. At that moment it was hard for Felix to understand what he was feeling. He could feel his heart racing as if he was on the dance floor. Everything was so surreal to him. Each time he was allowed to leave the castle, Felix could sense other's eyes on him, even if they weren't doing it intentionally. Yet, on the balcony with the Prince, Felix didn't mind so much being stared at. It was a stare that told him he was beautiful.

Sitting up in bed, Felix rearranged the pillows behind him. Chaeryeong would be coming in soon to help Felix get ready for the long trip back. Thinking that as he was awake, he might as well get some reading in. Silently hoping that his mother's headache would have gone away so she wouldn't be complaining about everything on the first day of their journey.

It was Felix's mother's idea for him to read romance books since that was what females read, and it would help him interact with males. Though Felix didn't mind, he quite enjoyed the books and looked forward to when his mother had more brought for him. A few of the books he had to analyse as part of his home tutoring, and his mother was very impressed with how well he always did. On those days, her praise felt genuine and like she saw Felix as a true daughter, not the doll she dressed up.

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