White Rose

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White roses symbolise purity, youthfulness, innocence, young love, and loyalty. It is the day before the ball, Hyunjin's last day being nineteen, the last day of his youth. I also chose it to show Hyunjin's relationship with his cousin, Princess Hwang Yeji.

One Day Earlier

Under the early spring's mid-day sun, Prince Hyunjin sat with his cousin Princess Yeji under a gazebo in the royal gardens. The strong winds of the past few days had weakened to a slight breeze, it was enough to keep the clouds drifting without giving them goosebumps as they were sheltered in the shade. A pot of tea and a selection of sweet snacks had been displayed across the glass-top table between them.

Princess Hwang Yeji—like Hyunjin—had yet to find a suitor, however, even though she had a long list of suitors come to her, her father was still choosing which man he would accept her to marry. Due to Yeji being his only daughter, he had a strong bond with her and didn't want to risk sending her off to a man he didn't feel was worthy enough. Yeji agreed, wanting to be able to enjoy the years of her youth without worrying about starting a family.

Yeji had made her debut two months after Hyunjin in which he waited to start his military service so he could celebrate it with her. Since the cousins only have two months between their birthdays, the two were brought up almost as siblings, spending many of their younger years together. For the civilians living in the Summer Court, the cousins were the celebrities of the royals. They could say, do, or wear something and it would become the next trend, even to the older generations.

As they've grown older, their time together became less from growing responsibilities in their own regions. Yet, their relationship never weekend. When Hyunjin was completing his military enlistment, it was his cousin to whom he sent the most letters. Yeji's parents ruled a western region of the Summer Court known as Dusk for its unforgettable sunsets. While Hyunjin's parents ruled in the eastern coastal region, the capital of the Summer Court, Dawn.

Growing up, the cousins lived together in the capital and would go visit the Dusk region for holidays. Many holiday nights would be spent on the sandy shores watching as the sunset transformed the way the water glistened. Yeji's parents saw Hyunjin as a son as did Hyunjin's parents see Yeji as a daughter. They were a tight-knit duo who promised to always be there for each other.

There was a third cousin, Prince Nishimura Riki. His mother was the younger sister to both their fathers'. Though, due to her marrying a King from overseas, and Riki being six years younger, he wasn't as close as Hyunjin and Yeji were. He'd come to visit about once or twice a year, more often if there were special family occasions.

"Tomorrow's the big day, huh?" Princess Yeji said, looking at Hyunjin over the rim of her teacup as she took a sip.

Hyunjin hummed in agreement, a not-so-excited expression on his face. In a few hours, he would start to get ready for one of the biggest events in his life. Being at the top of the social class, finding a suitor was very important as it could change the relationship between your family and the other parties—especially, if you were the Prince or Princess of the Court's capital.

Yeji looked out over the gazebo's bannister to the nearby bed of jasmines starting to bloom. "Aunty seems a lot more thrilled." It was a simple observation as Hyunjin's mother had taken control of most of the ball's planning.

"I'm not surprised," Hyunjin said, nonchalantly. Taking a bite from one of the vanilla cupcakes set out for them, he swallowed before continuing; "She's been planning since I told her I wanted to complete my military service before marriage."

Yeji chuckled. "You broke so many girl's hearts when the news got out after your debut. I bet many of those girls will be attending tomorrow. Saying that," Yeji grinned as she outlined Hyunjin's physique, "I think they'll be drooling at the mouth when they see how the military changed you."

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