Chapter 2 teams and allies

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Jaune woke up with a groan and immediately scanned the room to find out what caused the early morning disturbance. The answer he found was an orange haired girl repeating "It's morning!" while practically teleporting around a slightly annoyed black haired man. Jaune sighed and looked around. Most were still asleep or trying to ignore the noise. So stood up and stretched his muscles, causing his body to crack and pop. Once he felt that he had woken his body up after a few stretches, he quickly got dressed and was pleased that he caught nobody staring this time. He should probably have bought some sleepwear, but he was always more comfortable sleeping with less clothes on. 'I did it since I was a kid, so why stop now?'

Regardless, he then went down to the cafeteria. He sat down next to the same black haired man from earlier, who was still being spoken to by the overly energetic girl. She had a pancake in her mouth, so her words were muffled. The black haired man just endured his partner's unrelenting banter.

Jaune decided not to intervene for the time being. Looking down at his own plate, he has the simple stuff, eggs, toast with butter, bacon and sausages, nothing fancy. Jaune finished his breakfast and slowly made his way to the locker room, just enjoying his walk in silence and peace.

Jaune finally entered the locker room, only to once again be met with the same unending banter from the orange haired girl.

'How does she have so much energy!? I swear I'm five seconds away from...'

"Nora?" the man said. This was actually the first time Jaune heard the man speak, but the now dubbed Nora had been talking all morning.

"Yes Ren?" Nora asked innocently. She acted similar to a small child, but Jaune wouldn't comment on it. She was here for a reason too, after all. She could be just as dangerous as he was. Don't judge a book by its cover.

"I don't think sloths make a lot of noise." Ren responded calmly, slipping his green pistols into his sleeves smoothly. Jaune actually thought that Ren's sleeves ate the guns for a moment.

Jaune was extremely confused. What kind of conversation did he just walk in on? Jaune quickly made his way deeper into the locker room. He pulled out his locker paper as he walked. He stared at the paper, and then started to frown.

"Damn it! There's no way I put my gear in locker six three six yesterday. I would've remembered that shit!" Jaune groaned again and he felt like he was going to do that quite a bit today. Having literally no idea where he was going, he shrugged and folded the paper up and threw it behind him. He passed by two girls and-

A cold dread washed over him. 'What... is this foul smell!?' He thought. 'Not even the Grimm had this horrible smell!'

He turned around to find the source, expecting to find the most dangerous being alive... only to see the girl in white sporting one of the most disturbing grins he had ever seen.

She was the source of the smell? He saw the girl in white had a red haired girl next to her. Maybe she was the source instead?

He decided he didn't care enough and keep walking, which the girl in white seemed to have noticed.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

Jaune stopped for a bit. "Um... walking by?" He said, a bit unsure. He had no idea what he did wrong.

The redhead behind the girl in white chuckled at his comment. Somehow this caused the girl in white to scowl even more. "How dare you not show any sort of respect to an heiress, as well as a celebrity!?" She pointed at herself, then the girl behind her, who merely waved politely.

Jaune raised an eyebrow. "What are you on about? And why would I care if she is a celebrity?" He pointed at the red haired girl, who suddenly stepped in front of the girl in white and outstretched her hand, a bit too eager he might add.

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