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Hiccup was getting on Y/n's nerves even though he had only been on her island a night he was just getting in the way
"Could you do that somewhere else?" She asked bitterly as the boy loudly banged metal on her desk
"Fine then, I'm going out. Try not to blow the place up" she rolled her eyes and left.
Walking outside she saw Strike and Toothless playing
"You're so much cooler than your rider" she said as the dragons came over to her, she played about with them for a bit, not realising Hiccup watched.
He couldn't lie, the girl obviously had a way with dragons but he wasn't in awe at that, he just felt a pit of jealousy, it took him weeks to tame Toothless and here this girl shows up and his dragon loved her! Ugh.
"Okay strike come on buddy let's go" she said as she got up and dusted herself off before hopping on to her dragon.
They messed about in the air for a while just doing tricks and stuff
"Woohoooo!" Y/n yelled as they flipped towards the ocean before flattening out on the waters surface and going back up again.
"Oh strike I love you boy" she said with a large smile and her dragon let out a soft coo as if saying he loved her too.
The pair really was inseparable
"What do you think bud, should I be nice to him?" She questioned as they headed back towards her home, the dragon let out a low growl
"I'll take that as a no" she laughed. But the dragon wasn't growling at the mention of Hiccup, it was at the flames that overtook their island
"He's fucking blew the place up!" She yelled as she urged Strike to fly down faster.
They landed in front of the cave
"What did you do?" She questioned the boy who was rapidly attaching Toothless' new prosthetic
"Nothing I swear! But there's someone else here" the boy said in fear
"Okay I'll believe you this once, there is some guys trying to kill me, let's go" the girl said calmly
"What?! Why?!" Hiccup asked
"Killed some people, it's no biggie but hurry up let's go"
Hiccup just stared at the girl in shock
"You killed people?!" He said even more scared than before
"Don't crap your armour, it was just Strike defending me, if he didn't shoot them we would both be dead" she said with an eye roll as she ran out the cave and got on Strike, taking to the sky with Hiccup soon behind
"Y/n I just want to say, if we die I'm so sorry for ratting you out and you having to run away!" Hiccup yelled over the wind
"Hiccup now's not the time! Look down there that's them, the rest of the army of the people Strike shot!" Y/n yelled, pointing to vikings that were searching the forest below them. They spotted the pair on dragons and shot arrows at them
"Y/n your island is in flames, we just need to abandon it!" Hiccup shouted
"No! This is all I have!" The girl yelled as she dove to the ground with her dragon.
She jumped off and pulled out her sword, letting out a battle cry as she ran and began fighting, it was no use there was too many against her, she whistled for Strike and they shot into the air as the men laughed
"Oh crap!" She exclaimed as warm blood poured down her arm
"Fuck that hurts!" She yelled in frustration, grabbing a bandage material out her saddle bag as Strike let out worried coos
"I'm okay buddy" she said as she patted him and continued wrapping her arm tightly
"Oh my Thor Y/n are you okay?" Hiccup said rather loudly
"Do I look okay, I've been fucking stabbed Fishbone!" She yelled with frustration
"Come on let's just go back to Berk, it's not too far from here" hiccup suggested, ignoring the raging looks she got from the girl
"Fine" she said through gritted teeth, she felt tears beginning to surface but she would not cry in front of him.

They landed back bang smack in the middle of the village next to a group of teens
"Y/n?" Fishlegs questioned
"The one and only" Y/n laughed as she hopped off and hugged the chubby blonde boy, they were close when younger but not as close as Hiccup and her had once been.
"Why is she here?" The blonde girl Astrid asked through gritted teeth
"I'm here cause I've just been stabbed, thanks for the nice welcome home Astrid" Y/n said with an eye roll.
The blonde girl just walked away in a huff
"Woah no one has ever stood up to her" Tuffnut said in awe
"Well someone had to I guess" Y/n laughed nervously at the twin
"I'm sure you remember me too?" A short, black haired boy said all flirty as he took Y/n's hand in his
"No I don't, you're the only one I don't remember actually" Y/n said, snapping her hand back as Strike came over and growled at the boy making him take a few steps back
"Good boy strike" Y/n said with a giggle
"Snotlout of course I remember you, how could I forget any of the people that bullied me growing up" she said with a growl, changing her relaxed domineer to a harsh one
"Anyway I need to go find Gobber, nice to see yous - not." She said with a shrug as she walked towards the forge with Strike.
"Well she's sure changed" Fishlegs spoke with a sigh
"Yeah she's a total badass now!" Ruffnut said as her and her twin fist bumped
"Nah she's just a bit of a bitch to be honest" Hiccup said with a slight shrug
"Hiccup, you were fully depressed when she left, don't kid yourself on" Fishlegs said nervously
"Yeah but I grew up, it's not like she ever thought about me after that. I'd rather be her enemy than friend" Hiccup sighed. Him and Fishlegs both knew that wasn't completely true, Y/n just needed someone to break the icy shell she had built around her self and Hiccup was the only one who could do that.

Soz chapters have been short but any suggestions of how many it should take for Y/n to start realising how much she missed the dork?

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