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"Okay we don't know is what's out there so guard me Strike" Y/n said, Patting her dragons head and cautiously creeping out of the woods on the island which she hoped her parents may be on.
She walked through what seemed to be a normal village as Strike kept watch from behind houses, in the time she had been away she made an automatic tail for him so if need be he could fly in and rescue her.
Children played on the street as parents watched and everything seemed relatively normal, except from about 10 guards guarding one door which was metal, Y/n assumed that's where her parents would be so she quickly walked out the village and behind the building to try find a way in, it was huge so there must be one.
She met back up with Strike and they walked around the building which surprisingly no guards were around
"I knew you would come" a voice suddenly said, Y/n spun around and was met with a slim woman
"Who are you?" Y/n questioned as worry rose inside her.
Strike growled at the woman but she didn't even bat an eye lid
"One word and he kills you" Y/b said with a smug grin but that was hidden by her mask
"One word and they kill you" the woman said and she gestured tI the surrounding cliffs which archers stood upon, ready to fire.
"Why am I here?" Y/n asked coldly
The woman laughed slightly before continuing
"You really don't know? Wow your parents didn't tell you a lot, did they?"
"What are you talking about?" Y/n growled
"Honey I am your grandmother and you my child are the key to everything" the woman said with a smile
"So why did your people kidnap me and shoot me out the sky?!" Y/n shouted
"Calm down we did what had to be done, after all you are next in line to be the chieftess as your mother doesn't hold the gift" the woman said with an eye roll
"What gift" y/n scoffed, finally taking off her mask.
The woman seemed to smile a genuine smile before quickly replacing it with a glare and continuing again
"The ability to speak to dragons" Y/n's grandmother said nochantly
Y/n laughed before she spoke
"I can't speak to dragons now where are my parents?!"
The woman sighed before continuing
"I can tell you do just by looking at you, you just haven't touched the stream yet. Now I don't want to hurt you and your parents have been in good care after all your mother is my daughter"
Y/n just glared at her
"Well then why did they leave me!" Y/n shouted and Strike started growling again
"They left you because we were at war! You were safer at Berk that's why you stayed with them! You were safer there but I needed your mother to be here and help me!"
"Been was at war with the dragons so how is it any different?!"
"Because the dragons would never hurt you! Y/n you have the gift as do I!" Y/n thought for a moment and her grandmother was right.. no dragon had ever been against her and she had never been against them for all her years of growing up, when she left Berk she helped them as did they help her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't seem to shout come on let's go inside" her grandmother said and Y/n was too shocked to disagree.

Strike cooed and licked his human's hand as they sat in a living room of sorts
"I'm okay buddy" Y/n smiled at him and for a moment she forgot the other person in the room
"He really loves you" her grandmother smiled and for the first time Y/n smiled back at her
"He's been there for me through it all, even when I left Berk he was always protecting me" she smiled yet again and stroked under her dragon's chin
"Ah yes I heard about your adventure throughout the archipelago" the woman let out a slight laugh but before she could speak again 2 people walked in to the room
The girl turned
"Oh my Thor!" She ran up and hugged the people. She hugged her parents for the first time in over 10 years
"I've missed yous so much" she cried into them
"We're both so sorry we didn't try to get you sooner" her mum cried also
"But this still doesn't make sense, why did you say they were held hostage?" Y/n turned to her grandmother
"I needed to see if you were up to the task?"
"What task?"
"Well being our chief will be difficult, I needed to see if you were brave enough"
"I can't be your chief" Y/n sighed and shook her head, Strike was beside her again
"Why not?" Her father asked
"I have a life back on Berk, you can't expect me to leave it" she said strongly
"But who will run the village?" Her grandmother asked
"I'm sure you don't need to speak to dragons to run it" Y/n laughed
"But how else will we get them to help us against other tribes?"
Y/n laughed again before repliying,
"I've never been able to understand Strike and he has always stood by me, you just need a dragon's loyalty. Grandmother you can speak to them how did you not know that?"
Her grandmother sighed and Y/n saw a few tears make their way down the woman's cheeks
"I did but I wanted you to come and drink from the stream so you could reach your full potential"
"As cool as that would be I am happy with my life and i will visit I promise but I just can't stay" Y/n walked out the hug they were in and her and Strike flew up to a cliff.
"What am I going to do" she sighed, this was all so confusing and she wanted to love with her parents but her family was on Berk now and she couldn't leave them.


The next day everything was starting to make sense, when she met the queen of dragon's it must have been something to do with the whole talking things but she wasn't going to tell anyone else about that, not yet anyway.
She wanted to stay and understand the dragons so badly but if she drank from the stream then she would have to stay here so Y/n decided she would just say bye to her parents today.
Her and Strike had been flying for about 6 hours and since they were taking shortcuts straight to Berk they only had around a week of travelling left.
"Strike, land there bud" Y/n said, pointing to a small island they could rest on.
They landed and set up camp for the night in a small cave.
"Wow this has been a long 2 days" Y/n sighed and Strike mumbled in agreement before falling asleep
"Guess I better fish on my own then" Y/n said with a yawn before getting up, dusting off her armour and heading out the cave, she found a stream and used her dagger to cut a spear to catch the fish.
Suddenly she heard rustling in a near by bush so she got up and pulled out her axe, her heart was pounding not knowing what was in there.
Suddenly a black dragon popped out and stared her down
"Toothless?" She questioned but when she walked up to it she noticed it wasn't Toothless, it was another night fury
"Holy Thor" Y/n said.
She reached out her hand and waited for the dragon to come to her and it did.
"Wow.." Y/n breathed out as the dragon just stared at her.
She tried to bring it back ti the cave with her and it took some convincing
"Come on girl" she said, using a piece of fish to lure her a bit
"Ugh I wish I did drink from that steam then at least I would be able to understand why you aren't coming with me" Y/n groaned
"She's not going with you cause she's my dragon" a voice said before laughing
"Who's there!?" Y/n shouted, she scanned her eyes around but didn't seem to find anyone
"You know it's funny.. usually she would attack straight away" the voice said and suddenly Y/b heard a thud behind her and the dragon ran in the detection, spinning around she saw a girl about her age with jet black hair
"Who are you?" Y/n said curiously
"Name's Alice and this is Midnight, who are you?" Alice replied, she seemed very trusting
"Y/n, nice dragon by the way. I though Toothless was the last one" Y/n still held her guard up but she wasn't rude to the girl
"Thanks, wait do you have a night fury?" The girl smiled
"I don't but my boyfriend does, Hiccup" Y/n smiled back
The girl looked down for a second
"Oh I would have loved to meet another one, where's your dragon anyway?"
"He's just back in the cave we were camping in, I came out to fish but I can do it later if you want to come back with me?" Y/n suggested
"I would love to!" Alice smiled again and they started walking to the cave, Midnight stuck to Alice's side and the pair reminded her a lot of her and Strike. She decided she trusted them.

They reached the cave and Y/n whistled for Strike, who came bounding out the entrance and ran over to his rider before turning to the other girl and dragon and letting out a growl
"Easy bud, they aren't a threat" Y/n laughed, Alice looked slightly scared but Midnight didn't seem to care and actually ran over and began to try play with Strike
"Thought I was gonna be dragon food for a second" Alice laughed as they watched their dragons play
"Nah he wouldn't do that, unless u told him to" Y/n said jokingly
"How'd you find him anyway? I've never seen a dragon like him?" Alice questioned
"Technically he found me, I was in the woods one day and he crept up behind me and I just kind of stuck my hand out and then we've been together since then I think that was about 6 years ago now, what about you how did you find Midnight?"
"My tribe hated dragons and they had her wounded and tied up so I rescued her, she did leave for a while but one day when I was about to get hurt by a nadder she jumped in and saved me and then we kinda just left our home island" Alice sighed
"Well that's one thing we have in common, I had to leave for a while as well since my tribe hated dragons but one day I went back to see if anything changed and turned out my old best friend had befriended a night fury so they were all open to dragons" Y/n explained
"That's quite cool, did you just go back straight away after that?"
"Not really, I hated Hiccup for a while cause he ratted me out about Strike years ago but I found my way into being in love with him somehow" Y/n laughed
Alice paused for a moment and then she asked a question that Y/n saw coming,
"Can I come to Berk?"
"Of course"
The girls smiled at each other and this would be the beginning of a lasting friendship.

I get this chapter is confusing but it's because imagine how confusing it would be irl lol

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