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eat up ^_^

fluff + smut since yes / this chapter is longer bcz i just felt like writing more in it hehe

also more pegging because vine is a top 100%

Subspace was in his labs, working on experiment after experiment. He felt stressed. Some worked out more than others, but he was restless. He didnt feel fulfilled for the day, even if most of his experiments were a success. He paced in the lab, when he heard a biograft approach.


Subspace's tail swayed from side to side as his expression brightened. "Yes!! Let her in!" The Biograft beeped and walked away. Subspace awaited impatiently at the door, struggling to retain his happiness.

When Vinestaff entered the room, she was greeted with an overly happy Subspace, which hugged her tightly. "Vine!!!" Subspace squealed, happily.

"Easy there big boy." She pat him on the back. "Long time no see, darling?" Her voice was as sweet as nectar.

"I missed you sooooo much!" Subspace whined. "I hate being stuck in here 24/7. I wish I could just stay with you all day. I love listening to your plant rants!"

"I wish I could be with you too, sweetheart, but you have work to do, and so do I. Isn't it great that we're all getting one week of vacation though? You can stay at my place just dont water the flowers with acid again." Vinestaff sighed as she remembered the last time when she asked Subspace to water her flowers... It took a good ammount of tending to them, and they barely made it. "I promise!!" Subspace said, in a confident tone.

"Soo.. Wanna head over to my place?" Vinestaff suggested. Subspace's eyes lit up. "Yessss yes yes yes!!" He spun around like an excited toddler.

They headed out of the labs, and got into Vinestaff's car. She drove back to her home, in Thieves Den. There, Subspace made sure to carefully take his shoes and coat off, before face planting into her couch. Vinestaff didn't understand what he loved so much about that couch.

Soon enough, the two were cuddling, talking about each other's days. "Mm... I just feel soo... so stressed lately.." Subspace whined, nuzzling Vinestaff, who got an idea. "Yknow.. You once mentioned you would like me to peg you.. Maybe its the time for some... stress relief.
If yknow what I'm talking about." She winked. Subspace blushed, knowing what this was all about. "MmmMm...Yes....plz...."

They headed to Vinestaff's bedroom, where the two got undressed. Subspace's dick was already hard. "Excited already, hm?~" Vinestaff purred as she put the strap-on on. Subspace was in the puppy pose(oddly specific cuz ye). His tail tip flickered.

Vinestaff spread some lube on the strap-on, as well as gently applying some on Subspace's ass, who did a combination between a squeal and a giggle. "Kind of cold, isn't it?" Vinestaff said.

"mmmyeaa..." Subspace let himself sink into the bed a little bit.

Vinestaff positioned the tip of the strap-on at Subspace's entrance. She entered slowly, making Subspace shiver slightly. Then, she pushed in the rest of the lenght, and Subspace responded with a moan. She began thrusting in and out of the moaning Subspace, whose crystal glowed brightly.

As a little tease, Vinestaff tugged on his tail, which made him whimper. "V- Vine~ MmhhhhHh~" Subspace burried his face in one of the pillows. His dick was twitching, as precum dripped from its tip. "Please go faster ~"He pleaded.

"Anything for my good little boy~" Vinestaff purred in return, and began pumping in and out. Subspace moaned loudly, he enjoyed this.

This kept going on for 10 more minutes, before Subspace whimpered. "V- VineE~ I'm gonna c- cuumm~..." He was so close...

One final, hard, thrust sent Subspace over the edge, cumming all over Vinestaff's blanket.

They huffed. "We should do this more often. I love hearing you moan~" Vinestaff smirked, pulling out, then patting Subspace on the head and giving him a little kiss on his forehead.

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