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I walked closer to both of them.

When I was close enough, the girl was the only one looking at me.

Her iris seemed cloudy.

But her face seemed optimistic.

Hey eyes had a weird glow.

It's hard to explain.

I looked at the guy and the girls eyes followed me.

He didn't have that glow.


Guy: Jayel, there's no one. If you can see him, how come you can't see me?

Wait...so he can't see me but the girl can.

No, sherlock. You should've figured out this faster.

Jayel: I don't know, Xun. I can really see him. He has bright blue eyes.

That's a cool name. Xun...

Xun: You can see some other guy but you can't see your own brother. Good to know. I mean, if you didn't want me to come with me to the shop, you could've said so. Eesh.

Jayel: He's looking at both of us. I'm not crazy.

Xun: I think you are. I am, too. Only difference is that you're blind and I'm not.


What is wrong with those two old dudes up there?!

A blind girl can see me and a guy who can see can't see me.

Wow...my life is really messed up.

And you would think a person who can see, can see me.

Once I get to go back to the heavens, I'm punching one of them.

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