He is coming...

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Blue's POV;

"He is coming, he is coming to get me. I don't know who he is or what he is. But I know, he would come get me. You should leave Sarah, run as far as you can get. If you don't, he would burn you together with this temple." I whispered, my voice hoarse.

"And why does this powerful stranger want to rescue you?" Sarah asked, wiping my hands clean with a towel.

She doesn't believe me. I can't blame her for that. What possibly could a blind chained girl know?

"I don't know. I don't know why he needs or wants to rescue me, but what I do know is that he would come. My flames can sense him."

"Do you know what I think?" She sighed. I could picture her frowning as she said her next words, "I think spending thirteen years in a cage, with no one to talk to has messed up with your head, and your flames." She exhaled even more, her hands reaching out to cup my cheeks... but sadly the metallic helmet covering every bit of my face, stood in the way of her affectionate hands.

"I feel sad to say this, but no one is coming. No one is coming to save you. The only person who can, is your father the king, but he doesn't want anything to do with you. You are stuck here my princess, for life."

She stood up, "my time is up, princess. And I'm sorry I couldn't get you the grapes that you love so much. Agnar caught me sneaking the grapes in, last time. He warned me not to do such again, if indeed I want to continue serving you." She paused, picking up the bowl of water.  "I can't go back to the palace, if I do... who should look after you? Those scumbags would leave you unattended to, and instead wait for the smell of your dead rotten corpse. Ah! I hate them all!!"

"It's okay Sarah. Soon I will get to eat all the grapes that I want. He is near."


Wilder's POV;

"Sire! My king! My king!" Hershel called loudly, running into the throne room where I lazily sat on my throne... awaiting death. "If you do not have good news for me, Hershel. I will have your head on a stick, and it would be my dinner." I warned grudgingly, tired of his numerous attempts at a solution that would always yield nothing.

"I definitely have good news, nephew." He responded, standing triumphantly in-front of me.

I sat up on my throne, with haste. The only time Hershel refers to me as 'nephew' is when he is indeed ninety nine percent sure of whatever he has to say.

"Spit it out."

"I have found a solution." He grinned from ear to ear.

I groaned internally, "I know that Hershel. So why don't you tell me what I do not know of."

"Blue flames."

"Uncle!" I shouted, standing up from my throne. He gulped moving backwards in fear. He knows that whenever I call him uncle, it means I am about to loose my shit.

"I have four wolves inside of me, and they would burst out of my chest at any given seconds, dragging me to the depths of hell! And the only solution you could possibly offer me, is a flame? Fire?" I walked closer to him as I talked, my hands ready to strangle him.

"This is not just any flame, Wilder. This flame, could kill the soul of a man, bringing its prey to a quick death. And what's more formidable, is that the flame could actually kill a thousand men in a second." He blurted out hastily, backing away from me.

I halted, "And?"

"You don't have a soul, Wilder. What you have are mystical beings, and so... instead of killing them, the fire would subdue them. In simple words, you won't be dragged down to hell."

I stared at him intently, his words resounding in my head. I walked back to my throne, and sat on it. "How do I obtain this blue fire, Hershel."

"It's not just a blue fire, your majesty. It's a woman." Hershel informed me, "her name is actually Blue Flames."

Okay... I was not expecting that.

"Okay, Hershel. How do I acquire this woman? Blue flames."

"She's at the southern temple. The temple is actually under the protection of Lucian Greymark, king of crescent moon pack. Rumors has it that Blue Flames, is actually his daughter."

"I don't care for gossips, Hershel." I mumbled in annoyance. "We set out tomorrow. Get the night walkers ready."

"I don't think you heard me clearly, Hershel. The girl, she's in a secured temple. I can't even use my power in there, because I would be noticed quickly." He paused, eyeing my body a little bit... "forgive me nephew, but you are not actual really that strong at the moment."

"Get the Night-walkers ready, Hershel. I would get her, even if I need to burn the entire world, to do that."


"Who are—"

I watched as the warrior halted in his steps, his head hitting the ground in a thud, blood spluttering of his now opened cut neck, never to be able to complete his sentence.

"Spare no one! Blue flames, she is coming home with me!" I yelled, drawing out my sword from my scabbard.

"Yes, Sire!!" Night-walkers responded back.

Night-walkers, they are my personal warriors, trained to be deadly assassins. Fifteen in numbers, but can actually take out an entire army.

"Hershel, lead me to her."

"Yes, sire." Hershel walked over to where I was, and together we walked through the chaos that was erupting around us.

"What are you—" a guard was rushing towards us, but before he could get closer, I super sped to him, grabbed his neck and flung him across the long hallway.

"Ah. If I still had my strength, his brain would be plastered across this walls. What a shame." I shook my head, then signaled for Hershel to lead the way.

I killed some more guards on the way, and finally after walking down a lot of steps, we finally got to the underground dungeon where Blue Flames is being held.

"Ahh!" A lady in her twenties screamed, dropping a bowl of water she had on her hand to the ground.

Ignoring the screaming lady, I walked past her to the big cage standing firm at the middle of the dungeon. There's a lady in the cage, her hands and legs were chained. On her head, she had a helmet— one that covered her entire face. The helmet didn't look like an ordinary one, it looked like a mystical helmet, I could feel it's magic.

I reached out to the cage, ready to break it open, "do not touch the cage, only Agnar can. If you do touch it, you will die." The screaming lady warned.

Why would such a precaution be taking on such a fragile being. I'm intrigued, what is her story?

"No magic can stop me girl." I smirked at the screaming lady, took hold of the cage door, then broke off the cage and hurled it across the dungeon.

Slowly, with careful steps I walked into the cage, my eyes taking in the appearance of Blue.

Why was she locked in here? And why is she guarded so heavily?

I crouched down in front of her, took off the helmet and the moment her blue eyes met mine... I was reeled in.

Right then, I knew I would set fire to the eyes of anyone who dared to stare at her twice.

The side of her lips morphs into a smile, her hands reached out to my face and caressed it softly. "You made it, Wilder Reagan."

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