Our destiny's were meant to collide

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Wilder's POV;

"How do you know my name?" I asked, shocked that she knows my identity.

"My flames, they told me." She answered, her eyes staring into mine. Then I had a realization, "you can't see me?"

"She's blind. And.. you are the man she's been talking about. You are real." The screaming lady said, standing right outside the cage. "I thought she was going mad."

"What? You didn't tell me that she is blind." I uttered, staring at Hershel ignoring the lady.

"I had no idea, sire." He responded, bowing slightly.

"Someone is coming, we should leave." Blue muttered, and I carried her up in my arms immediately, and together we walked out of the cage.

We were about leaving the dungeon when the screaming lady said... "I'm coming too."

"No, Sarah. You can't. Go live your life. Be happy." Blue countered, as I turned around to face Sarah.

"No princess, I'm coming with you. How can I live my life, without knowing how you are faring or if you are being treated well. Besides, I do not trust him." She expressed in distrust, her eyes staring at me in an unsure manner.

I mean— I would not even trust myself, so why should she trust me?

"No, Sarah. I can't let you do that. Because of me, you abandoned your friends and family at the pack. You haven't had a moment of joy in your life, I can't let you.. do more damage to yourself."

"But, princess.." Sarah protested, walking to where we stood, "Serving you is my greatest joy, my only joy. There's no damage, princess. None."

"Sarah, no. I really—"

"Just let her tag along." I sighed, already tired of their back and forth squabble.

"Pleassssssssess." Sarah begged, clasping her hands in front of her face, even though Blue can't see her.

Blue sighed, "Fine. You can tag along."

"YESSS!!!" Sarah squealed in joy, and together we all left the dungeon, Hershel led the way once more.

And when we arrived at the temple, dead bodies were scattered everywhere and my Night Walkers weren't in the premise. They are probably waiting for us outside the temple.

"Stop! I can't let you take her." A voice yelled from behind us, stopping us from exiting the temple. I ignore the words of the man and made to step out the doors of the temple, but then.. the doors suddenly shut close in a loud bang.

"Agnar." Blue and Sarah uttered at the same time.

"If you take her, it would cost you your life." Agnar said once more.

"Then I guess I won't be dying, because I am taking her so she could save my life." I replied, arrogance dripping from every word I said. I turned around to face the 'Agnar guy.'

Agnar is an old man with grey hairs, and if I didn't know any better I would have thought he is nothing but a weak old man.

"That is what you think now, but soon— I'm afraid you would think in a different way." He stared at me intently, then added... "But anyway, regardless of what choice you go with, I cannot let you leave with her." He stamped his staff on the ground, standing tall.

"You think you are capable of stopping me?" I huffed, dropping Blue and Sarah quickly came to her aid.

Agnar whispered some words, rose his staff high up and then pointed it at me. A bright light flashed out of it and hit me hard on my chest. "Argh!" I screamed out in pain, ripping off the piece of clothing over my chest.

"What the— there's a black hole in his chest." Sarah shrieked in fright.

"Those wolves, they want to come out and I will grant their wishes today." Agnar declared, and the volume in which the bright light drilled into the black hole in my chest, increased.

I fell to my knees, the pain I felt increasing in tenfold. The claws of the wolves digging my chest from the inside. If the wolves gets out, I will die. I can't die.

Hershel can't help me, his magic doesn't work in this temple. What should— "Arghhhhhhh."

"Stop resisting, and LET THEM OUT!" Agnar roared.

"Let him go, Agnar." Blue voiced from behind me. She stood beside me, her eyes staring at Agnar intently, even though she couldn't see him. Or can she?

"Why? Would you kill me if I don't. Are you going to prove that your parents were right about you becoming a monster."

She cackled, "No actually." She shrugged, "I would prove them wrong." She crouched down, placing her right hand on the ground... and then blue flames emanated from the ground, forming a straight line to the legs of Agnar. "I would prove that I have always been a monster."

"No! You shouldn't do this Blue. The both of you are not meant to cross paths, your destiny's should not collide." Agnar cried out, as the flames engulfed him.

But... it didn't burn him from the outside, but from the insides. I could see the blue flames inside of his eyes, but not outside.., I can't.., I can't explain it.

"Both... both of you... are... are a danger.. to..." He slumped to the floor, he died. And somehow he looked liked how an empty tortoise shell would, if he was a tortoise.

Blue turned to stare at me, a smirk gracing her lips. "My flames were wrong, you won't be the one burning down this temple. I would."

With both her hands on the ground, her flames spread across the building walls, burning everything on their path.

"We should leave." She stood back up, and stretched out her hand to me.

I thought I was the only monster this world had, but I was wrong. There's two of us. "You can see?"

"Nope. I can see a person's heat with my flames. And that's all." She explained.


I claimed her hands and she pulled me up. "Agnar was wrong, our destiny's were meant to collide." I chuckled, carrying her off the ground and into my arms. "Shall we. The world out there is waiting for you."

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