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(You and Ziggy are famous in this imagine. Ziggy being famous for his music and you being famous for acting)

"Song About Me" ; TV Girl

"And Y/N," the talkshow host starts, "have you heard about the accusations towards Ziggy Katz?" Ziggy Katz was her long term ex-boyfriend. She was by his side even when he had a crush in high school. They eventually got together right after he got over that crush.

"I have and honestly, I listened to the song, it wasn't good." She shrugged, the crowd made 'ooo's' and clapped. "I did see his point he was trying to make, though nothing was true."

Later that day, Y/N sat in bed, contemplating to call. She eventually hit the small telephone icon under the boy's contact name. After the rings there was no answer, so she left a voicemail. Not like anyone does that anymore.

"Why'd you have to make a record about me, I wanna know why. Yeah, I heard your song but I wasn't impressed. So you got your feelings hurt, now you feeling depressed, just because we had sex and it didn't last. Now you want revenge, you wanna put me on blast?" Y/N scoffed. "Don't make me laugh. Remember all those girls that you played, all those lies that you told back in the day to get laid. and excuse for Suze, you got a story for Lori, all those other girls you called when you were horny. So yeah, it's nothing you didn't do first. The only difference is, you probably did worse. So look at that big bad soldier, declaring holy war on every girl who didn't mean to fuck him over. But karma's a bitch for hypocrites who kiss and tell and talk shit about girls who only wished him well. So if you wanna chat, then stick to the facts and get at me. From Russia with love, Y/N." She ended the voicemail quickly, lying in her bed flat, looking up at the ceiling, her phone lying in her hand. She sat there for around ten seconds until she felt her phone buzz. It being a call from Ziggy. She didn't decline the call, but she didn't answer it. When the buzzing stopped, a minute later she got a notification. A voicemail from Ziggy.


Might make this into its own book tbh. What do you think??😆

"𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄" Finn Wolfhard;Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now