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Time skip 4 years
We are one set filming the beginning of season 9 so we are all ready
"Hey nat"Dani says hugging me
"Hey Dani"I say hugging her back
I walk with her over to Candice who is standing with Kayla
"Last season you guys excited"Candice asks looking at us
"Yeah I mean  I'm sad but excited"I say
"Me to"Kayla
"Where is Grant"Jesse asks walking over
"He was talking to Tom and Jess about something"I say
Jessica walks over with Grant he looks like he doesn't feel good and looks out of it
"Are you alright"I ask
"Yeah I don't feel great but I'm okay"he says
My hand immediately goes to his forehead
"Your warm"I say looking at him
"I'm okay"he says looking at me
"If you say so Grant"Candice says
We walk to do our scenes Candice and Grant finish before me as I stay talking to Jesse and Kenyan and Dani
I finish and I realize grants not anywhere around anymore
"Grants wanted me to tell you that he is going to infirmary with Candice cause he felt horrible"Jessica says
"K thanks Jess"I say she nods
I bump into Dani
"I'm gonna check on Grant"I say
"Yeah I just ran into him and Candace on the way to the infirmary he felt horrible"she says
"I told him he felt hot and didn't look good"I say
"I know buts it's Grant and he is stubborn"she says
I laugh
"I know I'm gonna go check on him"I say she nods and I walk to the infirmary to see Candice standing talking to him
"How do you feel"I ask
"Ehh somehow worse"Grant says
"I told him he should relax he probably over worked himself"Candice says
"That is true but"the nurse starts but goes to go grab something my phone goes off
"Hello"I say
"Hi Mrs.Gustin  I was calling to let you know that you need to pick up Sam and Rory who both tested positive for Covid"the nurse says
"I'll be right there"I say I hang up
"Grant you tested positive for Covid"the nurse says
Me and Candice take a step back while the other two nurses come to test me and Candice
"So did the kids I have to go grab them"I say looking at Grant
"Your being serious"he asks looking at me
"You two are both negative"she says looking at me and Candice so they let me go grab my stuff and Candice does the same since she needs to quarantine for two days to see if she feels symptoms
I grab my stuff and leave she does the same
I leave and get into my car Grant took a separate car to work today
I get to the kids school and pick them up
"How you guys feeling"I ask they both groan
"My throat and my head I feel hot"Rory says
"Me too"Sam groans
"Your dad feels the same way"I say
We go home
"Alright you two go change your clothes then go lay down I'll bring up medicine for your throats and cloths for your heads"I say they both nod
They both go upstairs Grant laying in  our room
I change my clothes into something comfy and then go to take care of the kids
I pick up the clothes and put medicine down for the two they are already asleep I feel there heads and they feel cold so I let them be
I walk back to my room and Grant is under the covers in a hoodie
I walk over putting my hand on his head feeling that he is steaming hot
I put a cloth over his head as he groans
"You want medicine"I ask
"Yeah just for my head please"he says I nod and walk to get him the medicine I come back and give it to him
"Thank you"he says
"No problem"I say
"Id  give you a Kiss but you'll get sick"he says
I laugh kissing his cheek
"I'll let you sleep I'm gonna go for a walk with the dogs the kids are asleep I have my phone"I say
"Okay be careful"he says
I nod getting up and putting the leashes on rookie Nora Jett and max
I walk with the dogs and finally come back home I let them off the leash and walk fully inside I walk up the steps to see Grant laying in Sam's bed sleeping
I smile snapping a photo
I go and make us dinner which I make soup
I walk up to Rory room who is awake and turned watching the flash on tv
"Here babes"I say handing her the soup
"Thanks mama"she says grabbing it she sits up eating it I walk to Sam's room to see Grant knocked out but Sam awake
"Here mi Luna"I say whispering
"Thanks mama"he says
I kiss his head Grant turns slightly opening his eyes
"Hmm"he says
"Nothing babe come lay down or eat something"he nods as I pull him up by his arms we walk to our room I hand him his soup
"Thank you babe"he says
"No problem"I say kissing him I feel his body relax
"You gonna get sick"he says pulling away
"I ll be okay don't worry"I say
"If you say so"he says
I lay next to him falling asleep
Later in the night more like 4:00 am
"Mama I can't sleep"Rory says coming into the
"You want me to go lay with you babes"I ask
She nods
I grab my blanket and pillow and go to lay on her bed wrapping my arms around her waist and falling asleep

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