New york

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Time skip 2 months
Grant got a role for water for elephants and has been in New York for two months prepping for previews and everything so me and the kids are going to surprise him with Nora and Jett
Me Sam and Rory get off of the plane in JFK airport I hold both of their hands
"Nat"I hear and am tackled in a hug
"Willa"I say hugging her as best I can
She moves Tyler walks over
"Dove"Willa says hugging Rory
"Bean"she says hugging Sam
"Aunt Willa"they both say hugging her
"Uncle Ty"Rory says hugging him
"Hey guys"Tyler says Tyler grabs the suitcases and Willa grab the dogs leashes
"Thanks again for coming to pick us up"I say looking at them
"No problem you guys guy a hotel you said"Tyler says looking at me
"Yeah we did"I say we walk to the car and get to the hotel they help us bring our bags after I check in
"Alright I'll see you later"Willa says hugging me
"Okay"I say hugging her back the kids hug her and Tyler I side hug Tyler the hotel room is two beds
"Guys when we go see the show at the imperial you have to be good"I say
"We will mom"Rory says
"Good we have to be there for eight so we can go get food and walk around"I say
"Okay"Sam says we walk to the elevators and take them to the lobby and restaurants
"Okay come on"I say grabbing both their hands and going to grab food
We sit and eat the kids finish their food so I get up and throw everything away we go back up to our hotel room Rory and Sam sit down on the couch looking out the window
I walk over taking a picture of the view
"So you guys excited"I ask
"Yeah so much"Sam says
I smile kissing both of them on the head
Rory sits down turning on the flash on the tv I lay on the bed for a few until we have to get ready
"Alright come on Rory I'm gonna do your hair"I say
"Okay mommy"she says
She sits on the bed as I braid her hair into two

Time skip 2 monthsGrant got a role for water for elephants and has been in New York for two months prepping for previews and everything so me and the kids are going to surprise him with Nora and Jett Me Sam and Rory get off of the plane in JFK air...

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I get Sam into his outfit

Like this I get Sam into his outfit

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I get dressed into mine

I get dressed into mine

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