Rings and surprises

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I wake up and get ready since I have to film some scenes for work Grants already at work and the kids are at school

Outfit I take off my ring and put it on my vanity Grant doesn't wear his for work and I'm not supposed to I leave and walk down to set "Hey Dom"I say he walks over putting his arm on my shoulder "Ready"he asks "Yup"I say "Nat"I hear I turn to face...

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I take off my ring and put it on my vanity Grant doesn't wear his for work and I'm not supposed to
I leave and walk down to set
"Hey Dom"I say he walks over putting his arm on my shoulder
"Ready"he asks
"Yup"I say
"Nat"I hear I turn to face behind me
"Emma"I say as she hugs me
"I missed you"she says
I laugh
"I was Gone for one episode"I say
"I know but you missed so much"she says
"Let's go warm up and you can tell me"I say
"Alright"she says pulling me I hear dom laugh
We get to the training room
"So what's up"I ask
"I'm pretty sure dom is seeing Angela"she says
"Like Angela the girl who guest stared Angela"I ask
"Yes her I saw them the other day all lovey dovey"she says
"Well did you ask"I say looking at her
She laugh
"Yeah right dom will only tell you"she says
"I'm not getting into his personal life Emma"I say
"Come on just this one time I'll make it up to you"she says
"Fine but I swear"I say waving my hand around
"Nothing will happen and by the way where is your ring"she asks
"I took it off this morning since I'm not supposed to wear it I didn't want to just take it off and loose it"I say
She nods as we walk around we do our scenes and I finish and pick up the kids from school
"Alright go empty your bags do any homework you need to and change before dinner"I say
They both nod and run I start to cook
Rory comes and sits at the stool
"Are aunt Willa and uncle Ty coming for dinner"she asks
"Yeah they'll be here later so will Izzy"I say
"Oo yay aunt Izzy"she says her and Sam have both picked up the habit of calling her aunt Izzy and she loves it
I laugh
"They'll all be here later"I say
"Mom where is your ring"Rory asks
"Oh can you go grab it for me it's on the big dresser with the mirror"I say
She nods and gets off the stool
She runs back in after a minute
"Mom it's not there"she says
"What do you mean"I ask confused
"I looked it's not there"she says
I leave and look and don't see it I start to panic
"Rory do you have homework"I ask
"No"she says
"Help me look before your dad get here please"I say
She nods I look through my room and my drawers my kitchen and my closet
The front door open
"Hey guys"Grant says walking in with Izzy
I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I walk into the kitchen Grant has his back to me since he is hugging Rory
"Woah nat what's wrong"Izzy says looking at me walking over
Grant turns to look at me worried
"Hey babe what's the matter"Grant asks walking over to me hugging me I feel his coolness from his ring on my shoulder making me cry more
I can't speak from how hard I'm crying
"You gotta breathe so I know what wrong"grant says rubbing my arm
"She can't find her ring"Rory says
"What do you mean"Izzy asks turning to her
"I took it off this morning before work and put it on the dresser and it's gone"I say finally calming down
"You can't find it at all anywhere"Grant asks he doesn't look angry a little worried and annoyed
"Yes please don't be angry"I say
"I'm not"he says moving past me
I look over at Izzy as Grant walks to the room
"Hey it's gonna be okay we will find the ring I'll help you alright"she says
I nod
We walk and look everywhere around the apartment
I look in Rory and Sam's rooms but don't see anything
"We have looked everywhere and nothing"I say
"I'm sorry nat"she says
"It's fine it's not your fault it's on me I took it off"I say
She rubs my arm
There is a knock at the door Rory answers it
"Hey aunt Willa uncle Ty"she says hugging them
"Hey dove"Willa says
"Lora"Tyler says hugging her
"Hey short stack what's wrong"he asks walking over to me
"I can't find my ring at all"I say
"What!"willa asks confused and shocked
"I took it off this morning now it's gone"I say
"Did you look everywhere"Willa asks
"Yeah"I say
"What if the dog ate it"Tyler says
"Dude"Izzy Grant and Willa all say in unison
"I'm just saying"he says grabbing the twins
"The dogs wouldn't do that I have taken it off a lot of times it's never gone missing"I say
"Yeah it would be strange"Grant says
The oven beeps
"Foods done"I say Grant walks over taking it out he changed his clothes
"Sam come eat"I call he runs in
We all sit to eat the kids finish first
"Did you guys do homework"Grant asks
"Sam did Rory didn't have any"I say
Grant looks at her
"It's true my teacher didn't give any"she says
"Alright go hang out for a little"he says she nods
"I'll go to the jewelers tomorrow try to find a replacement"he says getting up kissing my head
"Where could it have gone it couldn't have just disappeared into thin air"Izzy says
"Did you guys ask the kids"Willa asks
Me and Izzy look at eachother than at Grant who walks back in
"You guys looked everywhere but didn't ask the kids"Tyler says
"Well Rory was helping us look"Izzy says
"Okay so ask Sam"Willa asks
I get up walking to Sam's room
"Hey bud have you seen my wedding ring that is with my engagement ring"I ask
"No"he says looking at me
"Your sure"I ask
"Yup"he says
I sigh getting up
I walk to the kitchen where everyone is talking
"Nope"I say
"I'm sorry nat"Willa says looking at me
"It's fine"I say feeling like crying again
Grant sighs walking out
"He's so fucking pissed at me"I say
"I don't think he is pissed at you more like at the situation"Izzy says
"Yeah"Willa says looking at Tyler
"I'll talk to him"he says patting my arm
"He's gonna kill me for losing that ring"I say
"He isn't gonna kill you just give him the benefit of the doubt"willa says
"Exactly just let him breathe"Tyler says walking back in
I lean against the fridge
Grant walks in
"Can I see your hand"he says
I nod showing him my left hand
He grabs it sliding my ring back on
"Oh thank god where was it"I ask
"Sam had it was gonna propose to Elaime with it"he says
Making everyone besides me laugh
"I asked him and he said no"I say
Everyone just shrugs we hang for a few and then everyone leaves
I lay in bed Grant lays next to me
"I need to tell you something"I say
"Your pregnant"he says
"How the heck did you know"I ask
"I know you today with the ring normally your calm and level headed you fell yesterday for the scene but rolled onto your back and tried to fall on you side and I also found my wallet in the freezer this morning"he says
"That's where I put it"I say
He chuckles
"I wanted to tell you yesterday just we were both tired and today with the ring"i say
"It okay baby I'm happy"he says
"Me too"I say smiling
He smiles back at me I close my eyes knocking out

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