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Four days in the hospital went by a lot faster than I expected. Usually I was always so bored out of my mind whenever I had to stay there. This time Andre brought me my homework so I had plenty to do. Mike and Eddie came to see me on the third day, They stayed and we played board games for a while. It was nice to see someone other than my mom and the doctors.

I was actually looking forward to going back to school tomorrow and not just so I could get away from mom for a bit.

I had actually started to enjoy going to school.

I would have been there today but Mom got her way.


I sit and stare out the window as she drives to my appointment. It doesn't take us long to get from the house to the large building where the epileptologists office is.

I don't know why she thinks this is going to make any difference but I know arguing with her wont get me anywhere but angry.

It rarely does.

I've learned a long time ago that when she gets something in her head its hard to change her mind.

We walk out of the elevator and through a door to a good sized waiting room. I sit down while mom talks to the woman behind the desk. She comes back with a clipboard and starts filling out paperwork.

I look around the room and stare at a large painting on the wall. Its some abstract thing that almost looks like a face if you tilted your head one way then something totally different when you look the other way.

I didn't understand it.

I don't know how long a sat there staring at the painting letting my eyes go unfocused trying to decide what the hell it was supposed to be.

Suddenly the clipboard clatters to the ground and moms crouched down in front of me with both hands on my shoulders.

She makes me jump and I look at her for a second before I understand.

She thought I was going to drop.

Fuck I can't even look at a stupid painting without her freaking out.

I shake her off and lean back in the chair crossing my arms.

She sighs and picks up the clipboard.

"Sorry, I thought-"She starts to apologize.

"Yeah, No. I'm fine." I mutter glancing around the room noticing how many people are staring at her before looking down at my shoes.

She finishes the paperwork and gets up to bring it back to the lady behind the desk.

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