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Hey guysssss

My phone got confiscated by my school for 5 days, I haven't seen her since Thursday 😞

Quick storytimeeeee

Basically, few weeks ago, I got first offence confiscation, which is just having it taken til the end of the day cause I got caught on it.

Have you heard all American bitch ?

Very good song go listen to it.

All my apps were closed, I swear.

History lesson, at full volume.

All American bitch started playing out of my phone.

It was funny until I went to collect my phone after school and realised it was second offence confiscation and I wouldn't see her til Tuesday.

Except the notifications from my phone kept pissing off everyone in the school office and the old shites didn't know how to turn my phone off so I got it back a day early 😍

That's it byee 💕💕

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