20: ℝ𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕤

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𝘙𝘶𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘴- the unsettling awareness of your heartbeat

𝘙𝘶𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘴- the unsettling awareness of your heartbeat

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Rose's POV:




All I can hear is the sound of my heartbeat. It grows louder in my ears as I gain consciousness. Soon I begin to feel a pulsing migraine forming as I try to force my eyes to open.

The room I'm in is all white and has bright lights. It hurts my brain. Besides the uncomfortable cot in the far corner I'm lying on, there isn't much furniture. Only a simple wood vanity and a small chest which is probably for clothes.

Where am I?

What happened?

The last thing I remember was Gio...

Tears spring to my eyes as I remember him. I miss him; I want my Muffin. Did the bad men hurt him? I really hope they didn't; he doesn't deserve anything.

I'm broken out of my thoughts as the door bursts open revealing a big man with an even bigger glare on his face. What catches my attention is the large gun in his right hand as he walks toward me.

I let out a squeak when he grabs my arm (much too tightly) and practically drags me out of the room. Feeling incredibly out of my element and needing some form of distraction, I do what I do best; ramble.

"Who are you? I'm Rosary but you can call me Rose. Anyway, I was just wondering if you could maybe let go of my arm? You're kinda hurting me."

The man mutters something in a foreign language and then grumbles out an angry, "Be quiet." He must not be much of a talker. That's alright, not everyone is.

Suddenly I realize that we have stopped and in front of us stands two gigantic wooden doors. While eyeing me suspiciously, the guy knocks on the right door; once, twice, three times.

"Come in," a muffled male voice says.

The guy quickly opens the doors and shoves me inside the room and I stumble a bit from the force. When I regain my composure and look up, I see an older man with very unsettling eyes staring at me.

I shiver in fear and can't help but wish I could melt into a puddle on the floor. An evil smirk lights up his face as he slowly stalks his way towards me like a lion on the hunt. He's no Mufasa though; he's a Scar.

That's mean of me, Mama raised me better! I'm probably just misjudging the situation.

I stand in place, frozen in fear as he stops inches in front of me. I hold back vomit as he leans his face into my hair and breathes in my scent with a sigh. One of his knobby hands reaches up and begins to play with my hair.

I want this to stop. I need my Giovanni.

"W-who a-re yo-ou?" I stumble out hoping to distract him from touching me.

A sinister chuckle escapes him as he looks at me underneath hooded eyes; gross. "You know who I am Doll Face; I'm sure your mother told you all about me."

My brows furrow and I shake my head. Mama never told me about this man; in fact, she never talked about anyone besides Grandma.

"That bitch," Mr. Sketchy bites out.

Why did he say that? She had been nothing but an angel. He has no right to call her that; my mama did absolutely nothing to him! She isn't even here to defend herself. I hold myself back from crying feeling like this might not be a safe place to feel emotions.

I don't like hating people; I believe everyone has a chance to be good. He probably has a whole lot going on in his life too; context always helps. I pray that he can find the help he needs in a way that others don't get hurt.

Plus, we might even be talking about different people; that's totally possible! Maybe to him that word is a compliment? Maybe my overactive mind is making up his hostility.

Or maybe I need to listen to my instincts.

Before my delusional mind runs even more wild, the man grabs me and whispers in my ear, "You look so much like her... this will be fun."

When I step away from him, a smirk is once again plastered on his face. Something about this feels so off.

The man slowly walks me over to what I'm assuming is his desk and has me sit in a chair next to it.

"Let's play a game Doll Face."

I perk up at the mention of 'game' because talking to this man is incredibly boring; also because I, according to Muffin, have the attention span of a peanut. I'm taking that as a compliment.

"What game?" I eagerly ask.

"Would you rather," he says like it's obvious. Little does he know, I have no clue what he is talking about.

"Um, I'm not sure how to play that," I answer hoping he'll explain it to me and another creepy smile spreads its way onto his face.

"I'll give you two options and then you choose one; it's as simple as that!" I don't know why but for some reason, I feel that he isn't telling the whole truth. I nod my head anyway.

"We'll start easy. Would you rather stay here for the rest of your life or die?"


Is this guy ok? Why would he ask me that?

"I guess I'd rather live here, but would I get to see Gio?" At the mention of Giovanni's name, a darkness of anger clouds over the man.

"Why would you want to see him?" he asks skeptically.

"Well, he's my best friend!" I say with a big smile on my face as I imagine myself leaping into his arms.

The man looks at me in disappointment and shakes his head leaving me confused. "Wrong answer."


Suddenly the man lunges at me and painfully grabs my waist. Then he does something I never expected; he slaps me.

My cheek stings as tears stain my vision.

"Wha- why did you do that?" I ask in desperation.

"You deserved it," he says simply.

But I didn't; I only asked if I could see Gio in this hypothetical situation!

And then he says something that makes me realize it isn't as hypothetical as I would like it to be;

"You will never see him again. You are mine."


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