Part : 21 First Meeting

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Note : The things they are going to react will be combination of the live action and the novel [there are some parts in the live action which will be more suitable for my book].

Author POV

"Hahahah, so we are here just because of his Un-lan behaviour!" exclaimed Wen rouhan after a laugh.

"Un-lan came here right now!" exclaimed Jiang cheng who was sounding quite furious.

"Umm a-niang, I am your only son, remember? You possibly can't kill me, a-niang from future won't be pleased at all!!" exclaimed Lan Jingyi still hiding behind Lan xichen.

"Atleast, it happened to be good as we find out so many things!" exclaimed Lan fimei.

"Mn!" exclaimed Lan Huang, he was grateful that he found out the truth.

"See, a-niang nothing trouble happened!" exclaimed Lan Jingyi finally showing himself with a smile.

"It's fine Wanyin, just let him go for this time!" exclaimed Lan xichen.

"Ugh, fine!" exclaimed Jiang cheng, it was just that he was concerned, Jingyi didn't even had knowledge about Array but because of his carelessness, it got started. It was thankfully not dangerous but what if it caused the juniors harm.

There was a virtuous and prestigious elder in the Gusu Lan Sect, Lan Qiren. Everyone in the cultivation world accepted three characteristics which described him: pedantic, stubborn, and a strict teacher who produced outstanding students. Although the first two points kept a lot of people at a respective distance to him, some even to the point of secret dislike, the last one made them try everything they could to send their children to study under him. He had brought up quite a number of excellent disciples of the Lan Sect. As long as they stayed a few years in his classroom, no matter how pathetically useless they were when they first entered, they would at least seem to be decent when they depart, especially in terms of appearance and etiquette. There were plenty of parents who were so excited that tears flowed down their cheeks when they picked up their sons.

Lan qiren raised his head in acknowledgement while Lan fimei rolled her eyes.

To this matter, Wei Wuxian declared, "Do I not seem decent enough as of right now?"

Jiang Cheng replied with a great deal of foresight, "You'd definitely be a mark of shame in his entire teaching career."

The series of laughter echoed throughout the temple.

"Cheng cheng, you are being mean!" exclaimed Wei wuxian with a pout.

"Don't call me that!" exclaimed Jiang cheng, he was already tired of saying this but Wei wuxian doesn't seem tired at all.

"Wait- now we are going to watch our timeline!" exclaimed Nie huaisang and finally everyone realised that it was true.

Juniors eyes sparkled as they can finally see how their parents met.

In that year, aside from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, there were also the young masters from otherclans, sent to study here from parents who heard of the reputation. The young masters were all around fifteen or sixteen. Because the sects all knew the others, although they weren't close, they had seen others' faces before. It was widely known that, although Wei Wuxian's surname was not Jiang, he was the leading disciple of the sect leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Jiang Fengmian, and also the son of his friend who had passed away. In fact, the sect leader regarded him as his own child. This, along with how youths were not as concerned with status and ancestry as elders, they were soon friends.

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