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Alyvia was on her way back to the kitchen after delivering some ice to the out-door bar when she heard her name being called from across the pool

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Alyvia was on her way back to the kitchen after delivering some ice to the out-door bar when she heard her name being called from across the pool.


The girl turned her head at the sound of her name, causing her to quickly turn her head back at the sight of her brother as she continued walking, ignoring the boy's calls.

"Liv, please wait." Troy called, racing after the girl, stopping in front of her, causing her to look up at him, annoyed.

"What do you want, Troy? I'm busy." Alyvia snapped, trying to step around him, but he moved with her, causing her to groan in annoyance as she stopped. "What?!"

"Can we please talk?" Troy begged. "Just five minutes."

"Fine." Alyvia sighed, placing a hand on her face before looking back up at the boy. "But you'll have to walk and talk. I'm not trying to get a strike because of you."

"Yeah, okay." Troy spoke as the girl quickly walked around him, causing him to quickly chase after her. "I just wanted to apologize for how I've been acting this summer. I've been a major jerk to you."

"I could think of a few more words."

"Which you shouldn't be able to because that person... that person wasn't me. You know me, Liv. I'm the guy who loves playing basketball with my friends. The guy who sings in his high school musicals, no matter how dorky it sounds. The guy who would protect you from all of those monsters under your bed when we were five. The same guy who held your hand when we went on The Tower of Terror at thirteen because you wanted to get on the ride so badly because you loved the movies so much but you were scared out of your mind."

"You were never supposed to mention that again." Alyvia spoke, causing both of them to chuckle as the girl looked down.

"I'm still that guy, Liv." Troy mumbled, causing Alyvia to look up at her brother. "Look, I'm really sorry, and I don't want this summer to change us. I mean, we have one more year before you head off to NYU,  thousands of miles away, and you forget all about me."

"I could never forget about you. You're still my little brother." Alyvia teased him with a small smile, causing a smile to grow on the boy's face.

"By 3 minutes, Liv." Troy reminded the girl.

"Every second counts, hun." Alyvia stated, causing both of them to chuckle. 

"So are we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool." Alyvia nodded, wrapping her arm around the boy as he pulled her into a tight hug. "So what are you going to do now?"

"First, I'm gonna ask Fulton for my kitchen job back." Troy explained. "Then tell Sharpay I can't do the show with her, and then apologize to the Wildcats for how I've been."

"Well, let's get a move on: we don't have all day."

"I thought you had to get back to work?" Troy questioned, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

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